Our journey and aspirations - Te ara whakatutuki wawata
Our Action Points have been created to incite positive change for the communities in our region. They address skills and workforce needs within our region, which is what we were established to do as part of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE).
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Whāia te iti kahurangi. Ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei.
Pursue your dreams. If you should fail, let it be to nothing less than the insurmountable.

RoVE works to create a strong, unified, sustainable vocational education system fit for the future. Through our inputs into RoVE, we are making sure that our workforce is fit for today’s needs and tomorrow’s expectations. We also have a role to play in providing advice to the education system, to the welfare system in relation to its regional decision-making and the immigration system regarding access to migrant labour.
Reform of Vocational Education(external link) — Tertiary Education Commission
Wide stakeholder engagement within the Food, Fibre & Whenua and Energy Sectors has been undertaken to ensure we have accurately captured the needs of our region. By having open kōrero (conversation) with kaimahi (workers), employers, taiohi (youth) and training providers, we gained an understanding of the barriers and opportunities around regional access to training. All insights were considered, and our Action Points were developed in response.
Our actions and desire to evoke positive change are strengthened by our alignment to existing regional strategies: Te Aranga o Taranaki, Taranaki 2050 and Tapuae Roa. Current aspirations in these strategies have support from our region and are our guiding principles.
Taranaki 2050 – a just transition to a low emissions future(external link) — taranaki.co.nz
Tapuae Roa – Taranaki Regional Economic Development Strategy(external link) — Make Way for Taranaki
Taranaki, like the rest of Aotearoa New Zealand, is being influenced by the move to a low-emissions future. This critical shift will influence all sectors in different ways. The importance of ensuring the transition is fair, equitable and inclusive, in alignment with the Just Transition strategy, remains a focus for our region. Our role in support of this comes down to the impact this will have on our people and how we can influence skills and training opportunities in Taranaki. Enabling our region to move towards a sustainable, equitable future for all is 1 of our primary aspirations. This will be achieved by ensuring:
- There are appropriate skills and training development opportunities for those who seek them.
- Barriers to labour market participation are surfaced through workforce planning.
- Emphasis is given to local solutions that support our people to thrive
Me mahi ngā tahi tātau.
Let us work together, unified in purpose.