Our recommendations - Ko ā mātou akiakinga
Ko Ranganui etū nei, ko papatūanuku etakoto nei.
Rangi sky father above, papa earth mother below and we are their descendants.
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We have identified the following Recommendations as part of the crucial role the Regional Skills Leadership Group plays in the Reform of Vocational Education. Through uptake of these recommendations, we believe that more suitable training and skills opportunities will be made available within our region. This will allow our people to be more successful within the Food, Fibre & Whenua and Energy Sectors.

The Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group recommends:
- The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) provides funding from the Qualification Development Fund to Feats to adapt Te Hiringa o te Taiao - NZ Certificate in Māori Environment Practices (Level 4), to reflect mātauranga Māori content, practices, knowledge and projects specific to Taranaki. Further, it is recommended that sufficient operational, and personnel funding is in place for the Certificate to be delivered in 2024.
- TEC supports the recommendation from the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT), to expand funding for delivery of the following programmes:
- New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture Farming systems – Sheep & Beef (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Organic Primary Production (Level 4)
- New Zealand Diploma in Agri Business Management (Level 5)
- New Zealand Diploma in Environmental and Management (Levels 5 and 6)
- New Zealand Certificate in Conservation (Level 4)
- The Ministry of Education TechNZ Scholarship extends to those planning to teach agriculture, horticulture, and agribusiness. Having qualified teachers in these areas ensures that tauira (students) are exposed to careers and opportunities within the Food, Fibre & Whenua Sector.
- TEC provides funding for the establishment of an Energy Centre for Vocational Excellence (CoVE) and runs a process for partnerships to bid to run the CoVE. The proximity to Energy producers and Ara Ake should be a consideration in the establishment of a CoVE.
- Te Pūkenga, Waihanga Ara Rau (Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council), and Hanga-Aro-Rau (Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council) develop a revitalised Certificate in Energy Process Operations to be delivered by WITT and industry, with a focus on new emerging energy. This qualification will need to have a specific focus on renewable and efficient use of process heat, efficient and low-emissions transport and innovative and efficient use of electricity, whilst still providing relevant training for the current energy industry in energy and chemical plant operations.
- TEC and New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), fund expansion of the delivery of the Hazardous Areas Awareness and Safe Working Practices course throughout Taranaki. By increasing the frequency and location that this one-day programme is delivered, the strain on kaimahi (workers) with this qualification will be reduced.
- TEC funds delivery of the New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Theory) in Taranaki. Further, it is recommended that sufficient operational, and personnel funding is in place for the Certificate to be delivered in 2024.