Co-chairs welcome - Nau mai, haere mai
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Nau mai, haere mai
Tēnei ka mihi ake ki a koutou. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou.
E mihi ana, otirā, e tangi ana i ō tātou mate. Kia uia te pātai: e taea te pēhea? Ko te tao rākau, e taea te karo, ko te tao a aituā, e kore rawa e taea te karo. Heoti anō, kia poroporoakina ō tātou mate katoa. Haere, haere! Haere ki Paerau, ki te kāpunipunitanga o te tipua, o te tawhito, oti atu ki te pō.
Me hoki mai anō ki a tāua te hunga kua mahue mai ki te ao tūroa nei, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā anō tātou katoa.
Kia whakataukītia i konei: He kai kei aku ringa.
The focus of our mahi (work) is for everyone in our region to see their brighter future in Taranaki. On this whenua (land) they can find decent and meaningful jobs, enabling them and their whānau (family) to be economically secure and live healthy and vibrant lives.

Mount Taranaki.
We’re fortunate that there has been much amazing work by passionate people over the last few years. We’ve heard so many examples of education providers, iwi, employers, unions and communities going above and beyond to give people opportunities and remove barriers.
However, we’ve also heard the worry of employers who cannot find the skills they need, and the stress of taiohi (youth) who cannot easily see or access the path to gain these skills.
There are no simple solutions – it’s a complex system. But this Regional Workforce Plan (RWP) is the first step by the Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) to improve co-ordination, alignment and synergy of the system.
The Taranaki RSLG is a diverse collective of local leaders representing kaimahi (workers), employers, iwi, unions, central and local government and community/whānau. We work with employers to understand the current and future skills needs. We work with the education and welfare system to help them provide seamless and equitable access to these skills. We work with the immigration system when there are short-term gaps. We’re fortunate to be able to build on the strategic plans of the region – Te Aranga o Taranaki, Taranaki 2050 and Tapuae Roa.
Each year we’ll develop action plans that build on and enhance our kaupapa, ensuring that the wellbeing of our people remains central to all our activities. The alignment of plans produced is important and the RSLG will consider which sectors to focus on after each iteration is completed.
This Plan would not be possible without the dedication of our members, the secretariat and the deep and genuine engagement from all those we’ve spoken to. Thank you for your time and your commitment to our mahi.
Charlotte Littlewood and Will Edwards - Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group Co-Chairs