A foreword from our Co-Chairs
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Te Mahere ā-Rohe
Nau mai, haere mai
Tēnei ka mihi ake ki a koutou. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou.
E mihi ana, otirā, e tangi ana i ō tātou mate. Kia uia te pātai: e taea te pēhea? Ko te tao rākau, e taea te karo, ko te tao a aituā, e kore rawa e taea te karo. Heoti anō, kia poroporoakina ō tātou mate katoa. Haere, haere! Haere ki Paerau, ki te kāpunipunitanga o te tipua, o te tawhito, oti atu ki te pō.
Me hoki mai anō ki a tāua te hunga kua mahue mai ki te ao tūroa nei, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā anō tātou katoa.
Kia whakataukītia i konei: He kai kei aku ringa.
Welcome to this 2023 update of Taranaki’s Regional Workforce Plan. This should be considered an addition to, rather than a replacement of, our first Workforce Plan, published a year ago:
Taranaki Regional Workforce Plan 2022
In our first Regional Workforce Plan we focused on the energy sector and the food, fibre and whenua sector. In this update, we’ve done a deep dive on the health and construction sectors. Between these four sectors we have covered some of the largest sectors in our economy – nearly 40% (36.9%) of the Taranaki workforce (Taranaki Regional Economic Profile 2022, Infometrics).
In this plan, we commit to a further three actions. Given limited resources, we have strategically focused on actions that address key issues and gaps in the health and construction sectors – these are developing the kaiāwhina health workforce and hauora and wellbeing in the construction workforce.
With all these actions we’ve looked for regional solutions to regional challenges, and to meet our role of helping to guide, support and co-ordinate Taranaki’s regional labour market.
Our first plan included 19 actions and we have been busy progressing these across our region. A progress update is available on our website. You can also access an insight report there that supplements this Regional Workforce Plan:
Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group
This Plan would not be possible without the dedication of our members, the secretariat and the deep and genuine engagement from all those we’ve spoken to. Thank you for your time and your commitment to our mahi.
Will Edwards and Charlotte Littlewood
Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group Co-Chairs