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Statement on te Tiriti o Waitangi
Government is committed to ensuring our future research, science and innovation system honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and gives life to the aspirations of Māori. This is a key element of success for a thriving and prosperous Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Video Transcript
(Animated graphic fades to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and New Zealand Government bilingual logos, then fades to Dr Willy-John Martin, Director Māori Research, Science And Innovation. Willy-John is wearing a dark blue suit jacket, standing inside against a wooden wall and directly facing the camera.)
Tēnā koutou katoa.
It's my privilege to present to you the Te Ara Paerangi statement.
(Words appear on screen introducing Willy-John.)
When MBIE started on this multi-year reform of the research, science and innovation system, we asked you what our system needed to prepare it for the future.
Throughout the Green Paper consultations and the many conversations that followed, there was one message that was overwhelmingly clear.
Our RSI system needs to embed te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi, as a key element to its success. This statement is a first step in supporting MBIE to do that.
The Te Ara paerangi statement sets out the elements of a thriving RSI system that embeds te Tiriti into its core. It describes a system that honours the obligations of te Tiriti and more fully gives life to Māori aspirations.
We want an RSI system that works well for everyone, that draws on the expansive talents and expertise throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, and that fosters partnerships and creates new opportunities that lead to greater outcomes for all.
Ma mahi tahi, ka ora, ka puāwai. By working together we will flourish and achieve greatness.
Tēnā koutou katoa.
(Screen fades to animated graphic and then to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and New Zealand Government bilingual logos. Screen fades to black.)
In response to a strong call from the sector, MBIE has committed to a statement that outlines how Te Tiriti o Waitangi will be a key element of success in the research, science and innovation system.
The statement serves as a first step in supporting MBIE to develop policies and investments that honour Te Tiriti and the aspirations of Māori in research, science and innovation. It highlights the principles that have been, and will continue to be, guiding the system reforms.
Organisations that undertake research, science and innovation may wish to refer to the statement to understand MBIE’s intentions and directions, and to inform their own work to embed Te Tiriti in research, science and innovation.
To deliver on the Statement’s objective, MBIE will develop a work programme that upholds its Tiriti obligations and delivers the actions that will enable and align Te Ara Paerangi with Te Tiriti.