Review of scientific collections and databases
We are currently reviewing the Government’s investment in scientific collections and databases to ensure an efficient and enduring funding model.
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The review's purpose
The purpose of the review is to ensure an efficient and enduring funding model for scientific collections and databases so they can continue to underpin critical science and related activities such as environmental reporting, biosecurity, land-use planning and policy decisions.
Scope of the review
The scope of the review is limited to scientific collections and databases, including health and social science.
It includes, but is not limited to, the 25 Nationally Significant Collections and Databases (NSCDs) and other publicly-funded scientific collections and databases in New Zealand such as the Integrated Data Infrastructure and longitudinal studies.
The approach
The review will include a report on the current role and scope of scientific collections and databases in New Zealand’s Research, Science and Innovation system.
It will involve a survey and follow-up interviews of custodians and users. The results of these surveys and interviews will be used to identify what publicly-funded scientific collections and databases are held in New Zealand and how they are funded, used and managed.
It will also include a review of international approaches to funding and managing scientific collections and databases.
More information
For more information about the funding of NSCDs or the review, contact