Finding the right formula for success

While it’s safe and provides nutrients that babies’ need, infant formula doesn’t quite cut it as a direct substitute for breast milk. It’s a well know issue in the industry that arises from the chemical structure; making babies’ poo harder, giving babies colic, and generally making them cry more.

Dr Caroline Thum is leading a team of scientists at AgResearch to tackle this issue, and they’ve landed on a novel solution – microalgae. Her team received $1 million from the MBIE-administered Endeavour Fund in 2021 to support the research.

The project was borne out of the desire to improve babies’ uptake of nutrients in infant formula.

“There’s a lot of pressure on mothers. That’s why this is my passion. If the baby cannot be breastfed, what can we do for them? What’s missing that I could help with?”

Photo of Dr Caroline Thum working in a laboratory. The image is framed showing their head and shoulders. They are wearing safety glasses, gloves, and a lab-coat, and holding up a glass beaker containing a green liquid.

Dr Caroline Thum working in the laboratory.

“Breast milk doesn’t only give nutrients; it also gives enzymes that help digest those nutrients. Babies’ stomachs’ digestive enzymes are present either in lower quantities or aren't fully active because their stomachs are not fully developed. Infant formula does not contain these enzymes to help digest the nutrients,” Caroline says.

She explains that infant formula has all the fat building blocks, the fatty acids, similar to breast milk, but the chemical structure is not as easily absorbed.

“That was the first thing we needed to solve before we give babies enzymes to help digest the nutrients.

“Most of those building blocks of fatty acids that are given to babies in formula milk are blends of vegetable oils.”

Palm-derived oil is used by some manufacturers to simulate breast milk’s chemical structure and mitigate digestion issues but Caroline points out that it’s not a sustainable resource.

Her team also found that oils used in infant formula don’t provide the extra benefits of breast milk fat globule membranes.

“Milk fat globule membranes are very important. They contain building blocks needed for our brain development, immunity, and gut microbiota.”

The team discovered that micro-algae can produce oils that are very similar to breast milk and that they could use bovine-derived milk fat globule to deliver these oils to the baby.

“It’s a natural source, it’s much more sustainable,” Caroline says.

They also discovered that the microalgae contained palmitoleic acid, which is a preventative against diabetes and inflammation, while also boosting immunity.

Palmitoleic acid is normally only found in avocadoes and macadamia oil.

This discovery also led to a new market for the microalgae as it can be used as a tool for maintaining brain health as we age.

“When you age, you also need a lot of building blocks for your brain and things to aid in digestion.”

From the lab to the market

Caroline has presented the microalgae to a number of industry players and has received a huge amount of interest in the product.

The project itself has reached its conclusion and Caroline and team are now looking toward commercialising it. They have applied for their intellectual property (IP) and will soon present to Nestle and Danone.

Caroline acknowledges there is some stigma around the use of formula for infants and says this stigma has caused more harm than good, particularly given it’s often not a matter of choice.

Last updated: 13 March 2025