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  • Aerospace partnerships: information and opportunities for emerging aviation technologies and space.
  • Current and upcoming funding and investments: What science and innovation funding and investment opportunities are open and what is scheduled to open in the coming months.
  • Endeavour Fund: opportunities for science funding for ‘smart ideas’ and research programmes that enhance New Zealand’s economy, environment, and society.
  • He aka ka toro: funding for Māori entities to develop new or additional capabilities to decide on research priorities, navigate the RSI system, receive benefit from RSI, and be inspired to engage with, lead and participate in RSI funding ecosystem.
  • He tipu ka hua: funding for Māori-led research programmes that will support iwi, hapū, hāpori, and Māori rōpū to achieve their priorities through RSI.
  • International science partnerships: opportunities for science funding for international partnerships and the Catalyst Fund.
  • News and events: general news, events and case studies related to MBIE’s and others’ work in science and innovation.
  • Policy, strategy and discussion papers: general updates from MBIE in policy areas.
  • Research commercialisation: opportunities for funding through the Commercialisation Partner Network and the PreSeed Accelerator Fund.
  • Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund: opportunities for science funding that grow the skills and capacity for Māori participation in science and innovation.

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Last updated: 17 January 2025