ACC – 2022

Titles of documents the Minister of ACC received from MBIE in 2022.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.

Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

December 2022

Tracking number Title Date Author
2223-0183 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 25 November to 1 December 2022 1 December MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-2031 Talking points for DEV consideration of approval for updates to ACC regulated payments for treatment 6 December MBIE
2223-2007 Schedule 2 Review Framework: Stage 1 6 December MBIE
2223-0905 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 2 to 8 December 2022 8 December MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1320 Updating the Hearing Assessment Regulations – Proposals post consultation 14 December MBIE
2223-1062 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 9 to 15 December 2022 15 December MBIE/ACC/Treasury

November 2022

Tracking number Title Date Author
2223-1645 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 28 October to 3 November 2022 3 November MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1737 Talking points for LEG - Accident Compensation (Access Reporting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 8 November MBIE
2223-1725 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 4 to 10 November 2022 10 November MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1721 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 November MBIE
2223-1576 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 November MBIE
2223-1652 First Reading House Pack - Accident Compensation (Access Reporting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 15 November MBIE ­­­
2223-1812 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 November MBIE
2223-1855 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 11 to 17 November 2022 17 November MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1800 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 November MBIE
2223-1903 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 18 - 24 November 2022 24 November MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1805 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 24 November MBIE
2223-1949 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 November MBIE

October 2022

Tracking number Title Date Author
2223-1276 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 6 October MBIE
2223-1064/ GOV-020904 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 30 September to 6 October 2022 6 October MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0999 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 11 October MBIE
2223-1188 Approval for release – Cabinet paper for Schedule 2 review framework 11 October MBIE
2223-1365 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 October MBIE
2223-1068/ GOV-021132 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 7 - 13 October 2022 13 October MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1437/ GOV-021283 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for 14 to 20 October 2022 20 October MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1551/ GOV-021283 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 21 - 27 October 2022 27 October MBIE/ACC/Treasury

September 2022

Tracking number Title Date Author
2223-0183 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 29 August – 1 September 2022 1 September MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0900 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 September MBIE
2223-0905 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 2 September – 8 September 2022 8 September MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0704 Talking points for SWC consideration of consultation on updates to ACC regulated payments for treatment 8 September MBIE
2223-0705 Talking points for SWC consideration of consultation on changes to the Accredited Employers Programme 8 September MBIE
2223-0845 Meeting with ACC Futures on 20 September 2022 15 September MBIE
2223-0950 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 9 September – 15 September 2022 15 September MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1062 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 16 September – 22 September 2022 22 September MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-1063 Weekly report to the Minister for ACC for 23 September – 29 September 2022 29 September MBIE/ACC/Treasury

August 2022

Tracking number Title Date Author
2122-5052 Approval to release Cabinet materials for SOP to the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 1 August MBIE
2223-0372 Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill Committee of the whole House Pack 2 August MBIE
2223-0385 / GOV-019607 Minister for ACC weekly report 29 July – 4 August 2022 4 August MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0079 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 4 August MBIE
2223-0423 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 August MBIE
2223-0516 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 August MBIE
2223-0504 / GOV-019770 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for 5 to 11 August 2022 11 August MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2122-4205 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 17 August MBIE
2223-0576 Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill – Third Reading House Pack 17 August MBIE
2223-0578 / GOV-019919 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the week 12 – 18 August 18 August MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0660 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 August MBIE/MSD
2223-0676 / GOV-020048 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for 19 to 25 August 2022 24 August MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2223-0476 Approval for release – Hearing Assessment Regulations Cabinet paper 30 August MBIE
2223-0475 Approval for release – LEG paper for Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill SOP 30 August MBIE

July 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by the Minister Author
2122-5110 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 1 July MBIE/MSD
2122-5098 Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill - agreement to LEG paper for SOP 4 July MBIE
2223-0021 / GOV-19085 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 1 – 7 July 2022 7 July MBIE
2223-0002 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 8 July MBIE
2122-5101 2022/23 Estimates Examination – ACC Post Hearing Questions 174-193 11 July MBIE
2223-0116 / GOV-019240 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 8 – 14 July 2022 14 July MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
Meeting with the Chair of the ACC Board on Monday 18 July 14 July Treasury/MBIE
2122-4632 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 14 July MBIE
2223-0117 Talking points for LEG meeting on 28 July 2022 – Agreement to table SOP amending the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 18 July MBIE
2223-0022 Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Second reading Pack 21 July MBIE
2223-0200 / GOV-019355 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 15 – 21 July 2022 21 July MBIE
2122-0284 / GOV-19490 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC 22 – 28 July 2022 28 July MBIE
2223-0334 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 29 July MBIE

June 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by the Minister Author
2122-3289 / GOV-018244 Enabling paramedics to help with accident work in rural areas 1 June MBIE/ACC
2122-4692 / GOV-018510 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the period 27 May – 2 June 2022 2 June MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2122-4569 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 3 June MBIE
2122-4780 / GOV-018658 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the period 3 – 9 June 2022 9 June MBIE/ACC/Treasury ­­­
2122-4434 Estimates Examination 2021/22 - Draft Responses to the Supplementary Written Questions for Vote Labour Market, ACC portfolio 13 June MBIE
2122-4854 / GOV-018727 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the period 10 – 16 June 2022 16 June MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2122-4861 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 June MBIE
2122-4860 Meeting with [Name withheld: Privacy of natural persons] on 23 June 2022 17 June MBIE
2122-4983 / GOV-018853 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the period 17 – 22 June 2022 22 June MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2122-5016 / GOV-018941 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the period 23 – 30 June 2022 30 June MBIE/ACC/Treasury

May 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by the Minister Author
2122-4191 Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Accident Compensation (Motor Vehicle Account Levies) Regulations 2022 3 May MBIE
2122-4270 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 3 May MBIE
2122-4155 Draft Departmental Report on the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Bill 3 May MBIE
2122-4273 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the week 29 April – 5 May 2022 5 May MBIE/ACC/Treasury
2122-4127 Review Costs Regulations consultation – release of public submissions 9 May MBIE
2122-4210 Estimates Examination 2022-23 - Responses to Standard Estimates Questionnaire for Vote Labour Market 9 May MBIE
2122-4328 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 11 May MBIE
2122-4585 Weekly Report to the Minister for ACC for the week 20 – 26 May 2022 26 May MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-1737 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 May MBIE

April 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by the Minister Author
2122-3293 Talking points for LEG meeting on 14 April 2022 – Accident Compensation (Motor Vehicle Account Levies) Regulations 2022 7 April MBIE
2122-3345 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 1 – 7 April 2022 7 April MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-2587 2021-22 Supplementary Estimates and 2022-23 Main Estimates for Vote Labour Market – ACC portfolio 12 April MBIE
2122-4053 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 8 – 14 April 2022 14 April MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-4118 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 15 – 21 April 2022 21 April MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-4177 Meeting with [Name withheld: Privacy of natural persons] on 5 May 28 April MBIE
2122-4121 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 April MBIE
2122-4142 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 April MBIE
2122-4175 Weekly Report for the Minister for ACC 22 – 28 April 2022 28 April MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury

March 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by the Minister Author
2122-2899 Minister for ACC Weekly Report 25 February – 3 March 2022 3 March MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-2926 Information on Treatment Injury settings following meeting with Action to Improve Maternity (AIM) 7 March MBIE
2122-2984 Minister for ACC Weekly Report 4 - 10 March 2022 10 March MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-2995 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 March MBIE
2122-3109 Minister for ACC Weekly Report 11 - 17 March 2022 17 March MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-2525 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 17 March MBIE
2122-3213 Minister for ACC Weekly Report 18 - 24 March 2022 24 March MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury
2122-3179 Proactive release of Cabinet Paper and relevant briefing: Proposed Review Framework for Schedule 2 30 March MBIE
2122-3244 Minister for ACC Weekly Report 25 - 31 March 2022 31 March MBIE/ ACC/ Treasury

February 2022

Tracking number Title  Date received by Minister  Author
2122-2473 Talking Points for Cabinet Legislation Committee’s consideration of the Accident Compensation Work, Earners’, and Experience Rating Regulations 2022 1 February MBIE
2122-2139 Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Updating the Review Costs Regulations: Approval to Consult 2 February MBIE
2122-2625 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC 4-10 February 2022 10 February ACC/ MBIE/ Treasury
2122-2507 Initial briefing to the Education and Workforce Select Committee on the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 16 February MBIE
2122-2287 Speaking notes for appearance at the Education and Workforce Committee on 2 March 2022 16 February MBIE
2122-2718 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC 11-17 February 2022 17 February ACC/ MBIE/ Treasury
2122-1523 Title withheld: privacy of natural persons 22 February MBIE
2122-2677 ACC Review Costs Regulations - Public consultation dates and reactive Q&A 22 February MBIE
2122-2785 Speaking notes for SWC Meeting on 2 March 2022 24 February MBIE
2122-2810 Title withheld: privacy of natural persons 24 February MBIE
2122-2786 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC 18-24 February 2022 24 February ACC/ MBIE/ Treasury
2122-2721 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 25 February MBIE
2122-2224 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 25 February MBIE
2122-2785 Speaking notes for SWC Meeting on 2 March 2022 24 February MBIE
2122-2814 Proactive release of Cabinet Legislation Committee Paper – Accident Compensation Work, Earners’ and Experience Rating Amendment Regulations 2022 28 February MBIE

January 2022

Tracking number Title  Date received by Minister  Author
2122-2268 Correcting a minor error in Accident Compensation experience rating regulations 19 January MBIE
2122-2249 Cabinet Legislation Committee paper to implement 2022/23- 2024/25 ACC levies for Work, Earners’ and Experience Rating Regulations 19 January MBIE
2122-2334 Title withheld for the reason of confidential advice to Government 21 January MBIE
2122-2433 / GOV-016404 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 14 – 27 January 2021 21 January MBIE, Treasury, ACC