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Resources – 2023
Lists of Ministerial documents by portfolio
- Auckland
- Building and Construction
- Commerce and Consumer Affairs
- Economic Growth
- Energy
- Immigration
- Media and Communications
- Regional Development
- Resources
- Science, Innovation and Technology
- Small Business and Manufacturing
- Social Development and Employment
- Space
- Workplace Relations and Safety
- Tourism and Hospitality
Resources – 2023
Titles of documents the Minister of Resources received from MBIE in 2023.
On this page
The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.
Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.
Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:
- National security or defence
- Commercial information
- Confidentiality
- Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
- Confidential advice to Government
- Free and frank expression of opinion
- Legal professional privilege
- Negotiations
December 2023
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-1122 | Meeting with Dialog Fitzroy on 4 December 2023 | 1 December | MBIE |
2324-1108 | Petroleum and Minerals Permitting Information | 1 December | MBIE |
2324-0961 | Electricity security of supply: peak capacity adequacy | 1 December | MBIE |
2324-1150 | Meeting with NZAS | 4 December | MBIE |
2324-1191 | Further Petroleum and Minerals Permitting Information | 5 December | MBIE |
2324-1284 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 8 December | MBIE |
2324-1240 | 2023.12.11 Weekly Report – Resources Portfolio | 8 December | MBIE |
2324-1239 | Tabling of the Non-Departmental Appropriations report 2022/23 – Energy and Resources portfolio | 12 December | MBIE |
2324-1310 | Update on policies related to mining on conservation land | 13 December | MBIE |
2324-1386 | Options for removing the ban on new petroleum exploration outside onshore Taranaki | 14 December | MBIE |
2324-1316 | Sensitive Permitting Matters | 15 December | MBIE |
2324-1307 | Permitting Work Programme | 15 December | MBIE |
2324-1297 | 2023.12.18 Weekly Report – Resources Portfolio | 15 December | MBIE |
2324-1072 | Developing a list of critical minerals for New Zealand | 19 December | MBIE |
2324-1360 | Meeting with Santana Minerals on 21 December 2023 | 19 December | MBIE |
2324-1487 | Update on Phase 3 of the Tui Decommissioning Project | 22 December | MBIE |
2324-1423 | 2023.12.22 Weekly Report – Resources Portfolio | 22 December | MBIE |
November 2023
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-1057 | Briefing to Incoming Minister of Resources | 27 November | MBIE |
2324-1058 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 November | MBIE |
2324-0936 | Briefing for the incoming Minister Responsible for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | 27 November | MBIE |
2324-0958 | Economic Context Briefing | 27 November | MBIE |
2324-0917 | Ownership fiscal briefing | 27 November | MBIE |