Energy – 2024
Titles of documents the Minister for Energy received from MBIE in 2024.
On this page
The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.
Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.
Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:
- National security or defence
- Commercial information
- Confidentiality
- Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
- Confidential advice to Government
- Free and frank expression of opinion
- Legal professional privilege
- Negotiations
December 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006729 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 2 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005682 | Summary of electricity consumer data right submissions | 2 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007015 | MBIE Submission to the Regulations Review Committee on the Electricity (Safety) Regulations | 2 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006157 | Attendance at the Major Electricity Users' Group Members Meeting* | 2 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006797 | Offshore Renewable Energy Bill - Talking points and legislative statement for first reading | 3 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007030 | Meeting with Gentrack | 3 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006941 | Review of Electricity Market - Review update | 5 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006213 | Meeting with ERANZ* | 5 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006948 | Gas Market Security of Supply | 6 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007059 | 2024.12.09 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 6 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006150 | Mid-point Review of the LFC phase-out | 6 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006575 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 9 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007329 | Talking points for meeting with Energy Chief Executives on 11 December 2024 | 9 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006760 | Meeting with Hoegh Evi in December 2024 | 9 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006913 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Electricity Market Performance Review | 9 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007121 | Meeting with Helios | 10 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007374 | Meeting with Energy CEs on Electricity security of supply - Talking points | 10 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006999 | Meeting with Greymouth Petroleum | 10 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007309 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 10 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006333 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 10 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006847 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Offshore Renewable Energy Bill: Approval for Introduction and related papers | 11 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007037 | Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003: Restrictions on planting and replanting trees and vegetation | 12 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006702 | Streamlining RMA approvals for installing EV infrastructure: Policy for consultation | 12 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007466 | Proactive release of Energy paper titles an Energy weekly reports - November 2024 | 12 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007173 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 12 December | MBIE |
2425-0090 | Application for Electricity Operator Status - Edgecumbe Solar Project (2024) LP | 12 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007357 | 2024.12.16 - Weekly Report - Energy portfolio | 13 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007568 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 13 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007356 | 2024.12.16 - Fortnightly Report - Associate Energy* | 13 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007370 | Meeting with James Kilty, CEO PowerCo | 16 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007120 | Separation of the UK Electricity System Operator (ESO) | 16 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007111 | Meeting with Electricity Authority and Commerce Commission regarding the Energy Competition Task Force* | 16 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007499 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 16 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007484 | Improving our diesel resilience: Update on consultation | 17 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007753 | Gas Security Response Group: October 2024 report back | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006964 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007460 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006966 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007549 | Proposed approach for the release of the mid-point review | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006861 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Jet Fuel Stockholding at Auckland Airport* | 18 December | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007762 | 2024.12.23 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 20 December | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
November 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005770 | 2024.11.04 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 1 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005894 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 1 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005895 | Vector Annual Staff Conference* | 1 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005772 | 2024.11.04 Fortnightly Report - Associate Energy* | 1 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005059 | Attendance at EECA Day | 4 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005621 | Meetings with Energy Stakeholders regarding Winter 25 | 4 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005295 | Speak at Employers and Manufacturers Association forum on 8 November | 5 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005547 | Meeting with Dahee Sohn regarding LNG imports | 6 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004979 | Meeting with Independent Electricity Generators Association (IEGA) | 6 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005576 | Offshore Renewable Energy Bill – updated Cabinet paper seeking approval for introduction | 7 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006159 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 7 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005889 | Transferring administration of SEEC and CREF funds to EECA | 7 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006122 | EECA energy levies funding in 2025/26 (joint briefing with EECA) | 7 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005966 | 2024.11.11 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 8 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005388 | The definition of gas pipeline services under the Commerce Act 1986 | 8 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005928 | Interview for the Murihiku Regeneration Energy, Innovation and Oceans Wānaga | 8 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006207 | Meeting with BusinessNZ and Business NZ Energy Council on 13 November 2024 | 11 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005221 | Meeting with Octopus Energy, Flick Electric and Electric Kiwi | 12 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005888 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 12 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005377 | Meeting with Viterra NZ Grains on 14 November 2024 | 12 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006303 | Meeting with Oji Fibre Solutions | 12 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006170 | Meeting with GasNZ to discuss their strategy and plans for the future of gas in New Zealand* | 13 November | |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006241 | Jet fuel stockholding at Auckland Airport - Cabinet paper* | 13 November | |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002810 | Meeting with Electricity Authority Board | 14 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005237 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 15 November | MBIE/MfE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006223 | 2024.11.18 Energy Portfolio - Weekly Report | 15 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006299 | Proactive release of energy paper titles and weekly reports - October 2024 | 15 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006225 | 2024.11.18 Fortnightly Report - Associate Energy* | 15 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006217 | Channel Infrastructure Parliamentary Stakeholder Cocktail Function* | 15 November | MBIE |
2425-0931 | Meeting with Air New Zealand and Neste* | 15 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005965 | Meeting with Plus Power | 19 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006190 | Meeting with Tina Schirr of BusinessNZ Energy Council* | 18 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006440 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 21 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005760 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 21 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006211 | Update on Electrify NZ work programme | 21 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006475 | 2024.11.25 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 22 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006232 | Channel Infrastructure’s Energy Precinct Proposals for Marsden Point | 22 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005515 | Meeting with the Gas Industry Company on 26 November 2024 | 22 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006100 | Proactive release of the Cabinet paper: Amendments to the Electricity (Safety) Regulations to Expand6122 | 22 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005335 | Targeted consultation on proposed amendments to the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy | 25 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005931 | Boardroom luncheon with private sector CEOs and Chairs | 25 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004003 | Meeting with greenhouse growers | 25 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006272 | Upper North Island Energy Forum* | 25 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005335 | Targeted consultation on proposed amendments to the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy* | 25 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005840 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Updating Energy Safety Standards Citations in Regulations | 27 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005644 | Meeting with Gary Taylor, CEO Environmental Defence Society | 27 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006752 | Meeting with Jason Conroy | 27 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005871 | Further policy decisions for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Amendment Bill | 28 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006076 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 28 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006614 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 28 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006741 | 2024.12.02 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 29 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0006744 | 2024.12.02 Fortnightly Report - Associate Energy | 29 November | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0007005 | Climate Change Commission Advice | 29 November | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
October 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002933 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 1 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003304 | Meeting with GD1 | 1 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002637 | Meeting with Meridian Energy | 2 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004183 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 3 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004317 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 3 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003239 | Advice on renewable gases | 4 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004274 | 2024.10.07 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 4 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004170 | Update on regulations for novel uses of hydrogen | 4 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004469 | ERP2 – work on opportunities for additional emissions reductions and updated energy chapter | 4 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004335 | 2024.10.07 Fortnight Report - Associate Energy* | 4 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003073 | 2024 October Baseline Update Submission – Vote Business, Science and Innovation - Energy portfolio | 7 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004631 | Gas Security Response Group - October report back | 8 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002993 | Draft Cabinet Paper: Electricity Market Performance review | 9 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004438 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Improving the gas critical contingency management regime | 9 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004895 | Title withheld: Commercial information | 8 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004208 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Electricity Government Policy Statement | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004426 | Hydro Storage Lakes Further Advice | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004281 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004887 | 2024.10.14 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004370 | Offshore renewable energy - consultation on cost recovery and decisions on transmission | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004926 | National Policy statement for renewable electricity generation - proposed amendments for public consultation | 10 October | MBIE/MfE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004528 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005015 | Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 - Supplementary advice on liability | 10 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003001 | Electrify NZ - amending the NPS - Electricity Transmission and NES Electricity Transmission Activities | 11 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004954 | ASX futures and the electricity market | 11 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004892 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 11 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004951 | Meeting with Genesis Energy Board | 11 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004871 | Meeting with Mobil on Tuesday 15 October 2024* | 11 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004628 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 14 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004677 | Meeting with Fortescue Future Industries* | 14/10/2024 | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005097 | Meeting with Total Utilities | 16 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005218 | Talking points for cabinet paper: Updating Energy Safety Standards Citations in Regulations - Economic Policy Committee 23 October | 17 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003204 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Amendment Regulations 2024 | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005083 | 2024.10.21 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004369 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005201 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004964 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005212 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005087 | 2024.10.21 Fortnightly Report - Associate Energy* | 18 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005181 | Proactive release of Energy paper titles and weekly reports for September 2024 | 21 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005220 | Electricity supply risks in winter 2025 | 21 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003096 | Meeting with Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group on 23 October 2024 | 21 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004460 | Visit to Tiwai Point | 22 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005567 | ERP2 bilaterial meeting - 23 October 2024 | 22 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004994 | Meeting with T4 Group | 22 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004989 | Energy Trust NZ Summer Conference | 23 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005370 | 2024.10.29 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 25 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005583 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 25 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005047 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 25 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005586 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 29 October | MBIE |
2425-1088 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 30 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005764 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 30 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005651 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper - Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations 2024* | 30 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005662 | Meeting with Independent Electricity Generators Association (IEGA)* | 30 October | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0005585 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government* | 31 October | MBIE |
2425-0985 | Community Renewable Energy Fund – delivery approach for resilience sites | 31 October | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
September 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2425-0897 | Meeting with Z Energy | 2 September | MBIE |
2425-1025 | Meeting with Electra Limited | 2 September | MBIE |
2425-0865 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 3 September | MBIE |
2425-0953 | Draft Cabinet paper - Enabling Carbon Capture and Storage | 3 September | MBIE |
2425-1034 | Meeting with Eavor Technologies and Verbec NZ | 3 September | MBIE |
2425-0849 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 4 September | MBIE |
N/A | Speech to Hugo Group | 5 September | MBIE |
2425-0611 | ERP2 - Submissions analysis and proposed approach to developing final ERP2 content | 5 September | MBIE |
2425-1020 | Preliminary analysis of the financial sustainability of pulp processors with higher energy prices | 5 September | MBIE |
2425-0874 | Introduction to E3 – the programme for aligning trans-Tasman equipment energy efficiency requirements | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-0917 | 2024.09.09 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-0982 | Proactive release: Cabinet paper - Delivering a More Effective Energy Efficiency Regime | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-1047 | Draft terms of reference for a Review of Electricity Market Performance | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-1064 | Energy and Electricity Security Bill - High Level Design | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-0921 | 2024.09.09 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy Portfolio* | 6 September | MBIE |
2425-1024 | Meeting with GasNZ on 12 September 2024 | 10 September | MBIE |
2425-1070 | Meeting with BlueFloat Energy | 10 September | MBIE |
2425-1082 | Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations 2024 | 10 September | MBIE |
2425-1087 | Improving our diesel resilience | 10 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002667 | Auckland Airport jet fuel resilience – further information on options and timeframes* | 11 September | MBIE |
2425-0781 | Electricity Authority’s Performance to 30 June 2024 | 12 September | MBIE |
2425-0980 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 12 September | MBIE |
2425-1039 | Gas NZ Industry Forum 2024 Address | 12 September | MBIE |
2425-0910 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 13 September | MBIE |
2425-0918 | 2024.09.16 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 13 September | MBIE |
2425-0984 | Delivering energy security of supply and cost savings through energy efficiency and demand-side measures | 13 September | MBIE |
2425-1051 | Appropriate skills and experience for Electricity Authority membership | 13 September | MBIE |
2425-3418 | Transpower 30 years as a State-owned Enterprise | 16 September | MBIE |
2425-0842 | Meeting with Keith Turner regrading Liquified Natural Gas importation | 16 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002728 | Improving the gas critical contingency management regime: Talking points for Cabinet Economic Policy Committee | 16 September | MBIE |
2425-0433 | Meeting with NZ Steel at Glenbrook Mill | 16 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002953 | Electricity Risk Curves – Update | 16 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002954 | Auckland jet fuel resilience – information to set up meeting with fuel companies* | 16 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002701 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper Titles and Weekly Reports, August 2024 | 17 September | MBIE |
2425-0677 | Regulating smart electric vehicle charging | 18 September | MBIE |
2425-1011 | Meeting with Mercury Energy Board and Executive | 18 September | MBIE |
2425-1096 | NZ Aluminium Smelter Celebration | 18 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003118 | Meeting with Contact Energy | 18 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002604 | Meeting with Genesis Energy and tour of Huntly Power Station | 18 September | MBIE |
2425-0610 | Draft Energy Content for ERP2 and CPMG talking points | 18 September | MBIE |
2425-0638 | Non-Departmental Appropriations Report 2023/24 – Energy Portfolio | 18 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002997 | Fuel resilience Cabinet papers* | 18 September | MBIE |
2425-1012 | Mitigating sovereign risk for investment in petroleum assets | 19 September | MBIE |
2425-0919 | 2024.09.23 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 20 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002807 | Access to contingent hydro storage – further advice | 20 September | MBIE |
2425-0922 | 2024.09.23 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy Portfolio* | 20 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003106 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 20 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003099 | Meeting with BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) on 24 September 2024* | 23 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004070 | Improving our diesel resilience: Updated talking points* | 24 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003243 | Meeting with Contact Energy* | 24 September | MBIE |
2425-1022 | Meeting with Northland Corporate Group | 24 September | MBIE |
2425-0266 | Meeting with Vector | 24 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002945 | Meeting with Channel Infrastructure – 27 September 2024 | 24 September | MBIE |
2425-0895 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Comprehensive Response to the Current Energy Security of Supply Situation | 25 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004143 | Meeting with Electricity Networks Association | 25 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002995 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 25 September | MBIE |
2425-0735 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 26 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004080 | Possible content of the proposed energy strategy | 26 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0002998 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 26 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003041 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 26 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004133 | Status update on Stewart Island and Chatham Island renewable energy projects | 26 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003331 / EECA 2024 BRF 013 | Approval to progress public consultation on a trans-Tasman proposal to update minimum energy performance standards for distribution transformers | 26 September | MBIE |
2425-0297 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 September | MBIE |
2425-0920 | 2024.09.30 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 27 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003195 | Meeting with Methanex on 1 October 2024 | 27 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004234 | Quarterly meeting with Energy Resources Aotearoa on 1 October 2024 | 27 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0003203 | Cover briefing: Draft Cabinet Paper - Phase 2 amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from trees) Regulations 2003 | 30 September | MBIE |
BRIEFING-REQ-0004213 | Meeting with Hon Chris Bowen, Australian Minister for Climate Change and Energy | 30 September | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
August 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2425-0478 | 2024 Legislation Programme – Reassessment of priorities | 1 August | MBIE |
2425-0525 | Meeting with Chief Executive of Rio Tinto, Jakob Stausholm* | 2 August | MBIE |
2425-0279 | Marlborough Lines' application for exemption from the Electricity (Low Fixed Charge Tariff Option for Domestic Consumers) Regulations 2004 | 5 August | MBIE |
2425-0555 | Quarterly meeting with Energy Resources Aotearoa on 8 August 2024 | 5 August | MBIE |
2425-0628 | Meeting with Winstone Pulp International and Pan Pac Forest Products | 6 August | MBIE |
2425-0637 | Documents to finalise Deputy Chair appointments | 6 August | MBIE |
2324-3774 | Minster for Energy meeting with Consumer NZ | 6 August | MBIE |
2425-0446 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 7 August | MBIE |
2425-0658 | Cabinet paper seeking release of the EFSR Discussion Document | 7 August | MBIE |
2425-0661 | Preliminary advice on impact of importing liquified natural gas on electricity and gas prices | 7 August | MBIE |
2425-0666 | Meeting with Oji Fibre Solutions | 7 August | MBIE |
2425-0250 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Proposals for a Regulatory Regime for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0257 | ERP2 Consultation Update and Proactive Release | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0512 | Background and Next Steps for Updating Energy Safety Standard Citations in Regulation | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0626 | Advice on Gas Industry Company’s recommendation on regulatory amendments to improve the gas critical contingency regime | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0660 | Budget 2024 Proactive Release | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0684 | Meeting with Chair and Executive Director, Major Electricity User’s Group | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0685 | The Minister’s Code making power under section 44B of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0693 | Overview of how the electricity spot market works and industrials can hedge risk | 8 August | MBIE |
2425-0443 | Community Renewable Energy Fund Redesign | 9 August | MBIE |
2425-0498 | 2024.08.12 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 9 August | MBIE |
2425-0577 | Accelerated timing for Offshore Renewable Energy Bill and Hydrogen Action Plan | 9 August | MBIE |
2425-0636 | Final Cabinet Paper: Delivering a more effective energy efficiency regime | 9 August | MBIE |
2425-0631 | 2024.08.12 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 9 August | MBIE |
2324-3771 | Meet with Darryl Sycamore and Ailsa Cain - Guardians of Lakes Manapouri, Monowai and Te Anau | 12 August | MBIE |
2425-0430 | Meeting with Golden Bay Cement - 14 August 2024 | 12 August | MBIE |
2425-0653 | Meeting with OMV on 14 August 2024 | 12 August | MBIE |
2425-0705 | Liquified Natural Gas importation - Options and initial strategic considerations | 13 August | MBIE |
2425-0619 | Draft Speech for New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards | 13 August | MBIE |
2425-0725 | Engagement with iwi on the offshore renewable energy regulatory regime | 15 August | MBIE |
2425-0732 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper Titles and Weekly Reports, July 2024 | 15 August | MBIE |
2425-0390 | Meeting with Singapore High Commissioner, William Tan | 16 August | MBIE |
2425-0499 | 2024.08.19 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 16 August | MBIE |
2425-0726 | Advice on immediate changes the electricity market settings | 16 August | MBIE |
2425-0762 | The effects of electricity spot price spikes on industrials and other consumers | 16 August | MBIE |
2425-0776 | Meeting with Sustainable Energy Association of New Zealand | 19 August | MBIE |
2425-0782 | Meeting with Electricity Authority Board Chair, Anna Kominik* | 19 August | MBIE |
2425-0591 | Demand Flexibility and Distributed Energy Resources | 20 August | MBIE |
2425-0407 | Meeting with BusinessNZ and Business NZ Energy Council on 26 August 2024 | 21 August | MBIE |
2425-0438 | Establishing a Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group | 21 August | MBIE |
2425-0805 | Draft Cabinet Paper - Amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 | 21 August | MBIE |
2425-0777 | Meeting with Japanese Ambassador, Osawa* | 21 August | MBIE |
2425-0230 | Offshore renewable energy regulatory regime – decommissioning obligations | 23 August | MBIE |
2425-0500 | 2024.08.26 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 23 August | MBIE |
2425-0679 | Opening (sod turning) for Contact Energy Kowhai Solar Farm | 23 August | MBIE |
2324-4017 | New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards 2024 | 23 August | MBIE |
2324-3448 | Offshore renewable energy regulatory regime - transmission infrastructure | 23 August | MBIE |
2425-0435 | Draft letters to Thames Fuel Companies | 24 August | MBIE |
2425-0554 | Meeting with Igneo Infrastructure Partners, Gavin Kerr | 26 August | MBIE |
2425-0780 | Meeting with the Gas Industry Company — 28 August 2024 | 26 August | MBIE |
2425-0866 | Meeting with the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association | 26 August | MBIE |
2425-0632 | 2024.08.26 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 26 August | MBIE |
2425-0829 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Gas Security Response Group: July 2024 Report Back | 27 August | MBIE |
2425-0908 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 August | MBIE |
2425-0930 | Meeting with NZ Steel, Fonterra, Ballance, Oji Fibre and the Major Gas Users Group | 27 August | MBIE |
2425-0508 | Auckland Airport jet fuel resilience – advice following AJFSRG's July 2024 progress report* | 27 August | MBIE |
2425-0873 | Estimated timeline for potential impact of wholesale prices on retail plans | 28 August | MBIE |
2425-0923 | Joint Ministerial Meeting with Representatives of the Wood Processing Sector | 28 August | MBIE |
2425-0755 | Draft speech at NZ Wind Energy Association Conference | 29 August | MBIE |
2425-0938 | Draft Cabinet paper - Improving the gas critical contingency management regime | 29 August | MBIE |
2425-0881 | Assessment of gentailers’ end-of-year 2024 statements | 30 August | MBIE |
2425-0916 | 2024.09.02 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 30 August | MBIE |
2425-0664 | Improving our diesel resilience – draft discussion document | 30 August | MBIE |
2425-0817 | Accessing contingent hydro storage for electricity generation | 30 August | MBIE |
2425-0933 | Options for review of electricity market performance | 30 August | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
July 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-3895 | Meeting with the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand | 1 July | MBIE |
2324-3989 | Draft letter of support to FlexForum | 3 July | MBIE |
2425-0128 | An overview of the oil and gas reserves data process | 3 July | MBIE |
2324-3937 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Gas Security Response Group: Report back to Cabinet | 4 July | MBIE |
2324-3999 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper - Reserve Diesel and Wider Fuel Resilience Work: Policy Decisions | 5 July | MBIE |
2324-4023 | Estimates Examination 2024/25: Proposed Responses to Estimates Post-Hearing Questions 138-154 - Energy Portfolio | 5 July | MBIE |
2425-0041 | 2024.07.08 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 5 July | MBIE |
2425-0111 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 5 July | MBIE |
2425-0163 | Electricity CDR – Update | 5 July | MBIE |
2425-0112 | Visit to Fabrum on 12 July 2024 | 8 July | MBIE |
2425-0109 | Advice on Gas Industry Company’s recommendation to confirm urgent amendments to the CCM Regulations | 9 July | MBIE |
2425-0194 | Electricity Authority – Call for nominations | 9 July | MBIE |
2425-0201 | Pathways and timings for amendments to National Policy Statements for Renewable Electricity Generation and Electricity Transmission | 10 July | MBIE |
2324-3760 | New Zealand's Petroleum Reserves as at 1 January 2024 | 10 July | MBIE |
2324-3920 | New Zealand Petroleum Reserves Release: Implications | 10 July | MBIE |
2425-0169 | Gas Security Response Group: July report back | 10 July | MBIE |
2324-3471 | Meeting with ERANZ Chief Executive | 11 July | MBIE |
2324-3951 | Data Centres in New Zealand | 11 July | MBIE |
2425-0265 | Glenbrook Steelworks with Hon Simon Watts | 11 July | MBIE |
2324-3881 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 12 July | MBIE |
2425-0051 | 2024.07.15 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 12 July | MBIE |
2425-0042 | 2024.07.15 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 12 July | MBIE |
2425-0262 | Reappointment of the Tree Arbitrator under the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 | 12 July | MBIE |
2425-0283 | Meeting with Westpower and Waitaha Hydro Scheme visit | 16 July | MBIE |
2425-0242 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles and Energy Weekly Reports, June 2024 | 17 July | MBIE |
2425-0249 | Fuel security study - update on RFP process | 17 July | MBIE |
2425-0243 | Proactive Release of Resources & Associate Energy Paper Titles, June 2024* | 17 July | MBIE |
2425-0225 | Meeting with Chair and Executives from Mitsui & Co | 18 July | MBIE |
2425-0043 | 2024.07.22 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 19 July | MBIE |
2425-0292 | Meeting with Italian Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Giogio Silli | 19 July | MBIE |
2425-0367 | Advice on the fuel prices in Thames | 19 July | MBIE |
2425-0383 | Fuel Security Study – proposed contract | 19 July | MBIE |
2324-3238 | Meeting with Margaret Cooney, COO Octopus Energy NZ | 19 July | MBIE |
2425-0299 | Fees for Electricity Authority Advisory Group | 19 July | MBIE |
2324-3745 | Meeting with Mark Callander, CEO 2degrees | 19 July | MBIE |
2425-0435 | Draft letters to Thames Fuel Companies | 24 July | MBIE |
2324-4013 | Offshore renewable energy - update on progress and establishment of a developer working group | 25 July | MBIE |
2425-0216 | Electrify NZ work programme – priorities and staging of resource management and infrastructure components | 25 July | MBIE |
2425-0044 | 2024.07.29 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 26 July | MBIE |
2425-0354 | Consumer Data Right for Electricity Discussion Paper | 26 July | MBIE |
2425-0454 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 26 July | MBIE |
2425-0052 | 2024.07.29 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 26 July | MBIE |
2425-0453 | Minor modifications following consultation on the exposure draft of the Phase 1 amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations | 26 July | MBIE |
2324-4005 | End of Year Performance Report: Energy Portfolio | 29 July | MBIE |
2425-0462 | Gas Security Response Group reports back: Talking points for Cabinet | 29 July | MBIE |
2324-3972 | Meeting with Margaret Cooney, CEO Octopus Energy NZ* | 29 July | MBIE |
2425-0521 | Meeting with Jakob Stausholm, CEO of Rio Tinto on 3 August | 31 July | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
June 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-3340 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 5 June | MBIE |
2324-3465 | Proactive release – Gas (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2024 | 5 June | MBIE |
2324-3743 | Draft Cabinet paper seeking release of the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Consultation Document | 6 June | MBIE |
2324-3467 | Meeting with Tina Schirr, Business Energy Council | 7 June | MBIE |
2324-3550 | 2024.06.10 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 7 June | MBIE |
2324-3711 | Further information on hydrogen | 7 June | MBIE |
2324-3744 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 7 June | MBIE |
2324-3716 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 10 June | MBIE |
2324-3255 | Preferred candidates for board appointments | 12 June | MBIE |
2324-3418 | Transpower 30 years as SOE and farewell Alison Andrew | 12 June | MBIE |
2324-3049 | Offshore Renewable Energy – Offences, Penalties, Powers and Appeals | 13 June | MBIE |
2324-3740 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003: Proposed Amendments | 13 June | MBIE |
2324-3446 | Offshore renewable energy regulatory regime – permit variations | 13 June | MBIE |
2324-3796 | Estimates Examination 2024-25 – Proposed Responses to Additional SWQ 114-137 – Energy Portfolio | 13 June | MBIE |
2324-3463 | Meeting with New Zealand Hydrogen Council | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3551 | 2024.06.17 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3592 | 2024.06.17 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3840 | Update on Gas security of supply | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3858 | Annual Australia New Zealand Climate and Finance Ministers (2+2) Meeting | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-2826 | Quarterly meeting with Energy Resources Aotearoa on 18 June 2024 | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3844 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 14 June | MBIE |
2324-3810 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles, May 2024, and Energy Weekly Reports, April – May 2024 | 17 June | MBIE |
2324-3809 | Proactive Release of Resources and Associate Energy Paper titles – May 2024* | 17 June | MBIE |
2324-3834 | Updating Electrical Standards in Electrical Safety Regulations | 18 June | MBIE |
2324-3880 | Fast Track Approvals: Ministerial meeting 19 June 2024 | 18 June | MBIE |
2324-3859 | Electricity Authority revised draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 and Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024-25 | 20 June | MBIE |
2324-2935 | Meeting with Mike Casey, Rewiring New Zealand | 20 June | MBIE |
2324-3826 | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority revised draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 and Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024/25 | 20 June | MBIE |
2324-3919 | Draft Discussion Document and Cabinet paper on Phase 2 amendments to address out-of-zone risks - amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 | 21 June | MBIE |
2324-3948 | Northland Transmission Failure Review 2024 | 21 June | MBIE |
2324-3552 | 2024.06.24 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 21 June | MBIE |
2324-3929 | Monitoring the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax Removal | 21 June | MBIE |
2324-3968 | Northland Transmission Tower Failure - Talking points for Cabinet and info pack | 24 June | MBIE |
2324-3443 | Meeting with the New Zealand Geothermal Association | 24 June | MBIE |
2324-3954 | Section 18 review of Northland transmission failure | 24 June | MBIE |
2324-3965 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 25 June | MBIE |
2324-3837 | Meeting with Chairs of the Electricity Authority and Commerce Commission | 26 June | MBIE |
2324-3934 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 26 June | MBIE |
2324-3975 | Talking points CBC – Proposals for a Regulatory Regime for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-3733 | Hydrogen’s electricity sector implications | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-3788 | Meeting with Berislav Gaso, Executive Vice President for Energy, OMV | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-4028 | Delivering three electricity-related NZ First-National coalition commitments relating to security of supply and avoiding excessive prices | 27 June | MBIE |
2425-0040 | 2024.07.01 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-3690 | Regulation of electricity distributor involvement in generation | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-3332 | Advice on sustainable aviation fuel policies for NZ | 27 June | MBIE |
2425-0050 | 2024.07.01 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 27 June | MBIE |
2324-3332 | Advice on sustainable aviation fuel policies for NZ* | 27 June | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
May 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-2943 | Auckland Airport jet fuel resilience* | 2 May | MBIE |
2324-3061 | Further advice on the draft Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-3168 | 2024.05.06 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA Security of Supply A3) | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-3203 | Fuel security study: Update on development of Request for Proposals* | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-3207 | 2024.05.06 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-3200 | Meeting with bp – Monday 6 May 2024* | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-3204 | Meeting with Z Energy – Tuesday 7 May 2024* | 3 May | MBIE |
2324-2609 | Energy Trusts of New Zealand national conference | 6 May | MBIE |
2324-2922 | Meeting with Roger Sutton, DETA Consulting | 7 May | MBIE |
2324-2976 | Meeting with Bluefloat and Elemental Group | 7 May | MBIE |
2324-3026 | Meeting with NZ Wind Energy Association Chair and CEO | 7 May | MBIE |
2324-3324 | Establishing a Gas Security Response Group | 7 May | MBIE |
2324-3013 | Decisions on reserve diesel and wider fuel resilience work: Draft cabinet paper | 8 May | MBIE |
2324-3348 | Draft speech Reducing Energy Hardship Conference 20/21 May 2024 | 8 May | MBIE |
n/a | Gas Security Response Group: Ministerial Statement | 8 May | MBIE |
2324-3104 | Meeting with Electric Kiwi | 9 May | MBIE |
2324-3120 | Meeting with Andy Lester CEO, MainPower New Zealand | 9 May | MBIE |
2324-3256 | ERP2 – Updated energy content for consultation | 9 May | MBIE |
2324-3272 | Meeting with Clarus – Tuesday 14 May 2024 | 9 May | MBIE |
2324-3369 | Transpower management of tight supply | 9 May | MBIE |
2324-2521 | Application for electricity operator and gas operator status: Genesis Electricity Limited | 10 May | MBIE |
2324-3169 | 2024.05.13 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 10 May | MBIE |
2324-3294 | Meeting with Gull CEO | 13 May | MBIE |
2324-3405 | CCUS Discussion Document Outline | 13 May | MBIE |
2324-3254 | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority draft Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024/25 and draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 | 15 May | MBIE |
2324-3261 | Electricity Authority draft Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024/25 and draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 | 15 May | MBIE |
n/a | Competition in wholesale and retail electricity markets, MBIE Energy branch – a framework for our policy analysis for discussion with Minister Brown | 15 May | MBIE |
2324-3386 | Meeting with Mitsui (for information - Minister for Resources meeting) | 15 May | MBIE |
2324-2597 | Meeting with SolarZero and Aurora Energy | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3209 | Meeting with Security and Reliability Council | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3365 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles – April 2024 | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3441 | Energy resources Taranaki forum address | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3444 | CPD Bill First Reading – Communications Package | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3460 | Timeline for implementation – Agreed amendments to Hazards from Trees Regulations | 16 May | MBIE |
2324-3385 | Climate Prioritiies Ministerial Group – May 2024 | 17 May | MBIE |
2324-3410 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 17 May | MBIE |
2324-3433 | Background information for RM Reform Ministers Meeting | 17 May | MBIE |
2324-3170 | 2024.05.20 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio | 17 May | MBIE |
2324-3392 | 2024.05.20 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 17 May | MBIE |
2324-3507 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 20 May | MBIE |
2324-3512 | ERP2 – Updated energy chapter outline | 20 May | MBIE |
2324-3395 | Offshore renewable energy – decommissioning requirements | 21 May | MBIE |
2324-3508 | Fuel resilience Cabinet paper – updated paper and supporting materials | 21 May | MBIE |
2324-3513 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 21 May | MBIE |
2324-3565 | Offshore regulatory regime - Timeline | 22 May | MBIE |
2324-3379 | Estimates Examination 2024/25 – Proposed Responses to SEQs Vote Energy and Auckland portfolios | 22 May | MBIE |
2324-3582 | Meeting with PEC Ltd 24 May 2024 | 23 May | MBIE |
2324-3558 | Fuel resilience Cabinet paper* | 23 May | MBIE |
2324-3171 | 2024.05.27 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 24 May | MBIE |
2324-3349 | Hydrogen Roadmap – proposed content and next steps | 24 May | MBIE |
2324-3481 | Communications on the Regional Hydrogen Transition scheme | 24 May | MBIE |
n/a | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 May | MBIE |
2324-3555 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 May | MBIE |
2324-3626 | Talking points for Gas Security Response Group report back | 27 May | MBIE |
2324-3588 | Offshore renewable energy regulatory regime - Timelines for developing and implementing regime | 27 May | MBIE |
2324-3528 | Meeting with BusinessNZ Energy Council – Wednesday 29 May 2024* | 27 May | MBIE |
2324-3536 | ERP2 – Revised energy chapter for consultation | 28 May | MBIE |
2324-3588 | Offshore Renewable Energy Regulatory Regime – Timelines for developing and implementing regime | 28 May | MBIE |
2324-3627 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 28 May | MBIE |
2324-3306 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 29 May | MBIE |
2324-3653 | Fast-Track Approvals Bill: Ministerial meeting 29 May 2024 | 29 May | MBIE |
2324-3476 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 29 May | MBIE |
2324-3625 | Ministerial consultation on ‘Endorsing the Sector and Government Energy Transition Framework’ | 29 May | MBIE |
2324-3669 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 29 May | MBIE |
2324-3430 | Meeting with Paul Coster, EVA Marketplace | 30 May | MBIE |
n/a | Information on the NZ Aluminium Smelter | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3464 | Meeting with Mitsui | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3599 | Meeting with Methanex on 4 June 2024 | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3659 | Estimates Examination 2023-24 – Proposed Responses SWQs 1-113 Auckland and Energy portfolios | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3652 | NZ Steel, cogeneration, and industrial allocation | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3680 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 30 May | MBIE |
2324-3549 | 2024.06.04 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (including EECA fortnightly & EA security of Supply A3) | 31 May | MBIE |
2324-3635 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 31 May | MBIE |
2324-3591 | 2024.06.04 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* | 31 May | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
April 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-2799 | Visit to Marsden Point* | 2 April | MBIE |
n/a | Slides for discussion – Electricity affordability – Why prices are rising and levers to mitigate the impacts on bills | 2 April | MBIE |
2324-2762 | Introductory Meeting Between Minister Brown and EU Ambassador Lawrence Meredith | 3 April | MBIE |
2324-2822 | Meeting with Helios | 3 April | MBIE |
2324-1972 | Application for electricity operator status: Maungaturoto Solar Farm Project LP | 4 April | MBIE |
2324-2713 | 2024.04.08 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA security of supply update) | 5 April | MBIE |
2324-2581 | Minister for Energy meeting with Utilities Disputes Limited | 9 April | MBIE |
2324-2686 | Further amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations | 10 April | MBIE |
2324-2715 | 2024.04.15 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) | 12 April | MBIE |
2324-2591 | Meeting with the Commerce Commission | 15 April | MBIE |
2324-2845 | Meeting with Jarden, ACC and Harbour Asset Management | 15 April | MBIE |
2324-2928 | Meeting with Methanex | 15 April | MBIE |
n/a | A3 - Ensuring Security of Supply – Possible actions (tabled during Officials meeting with Minister) | 15 April | MBIE |
2324-2606 | Gas Industry Company Statement of Intent and Levy Recommendation 2024/25 | 16 April | MBIE |
2324-2979 | Meetings with the Gentailers | 16 April | MBIE |
2324-2578 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to government | 17 April | MBIE |
2324-3041 | Commerce Act mergers regime | 17 April | MBIE |
2324-2981 | Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles – March 2024 | 17 April | MBIE |
2324-2045 | 2023/24 Supplementary and 2024/25 Main Estimates – Vote BSI- Energy | 18 April | MBIE |
2324-2180 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 18 April | MBIE |
2324-0741 | Offshore renewable energy – Interaction with environmental consents | 18 April | MBIE |
2324-2949 | 2024.04.22 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy Portfolio* | 19 April | MBIE |
2324-2735 | Meeting with Hiringa Energy and attendance at hydrogen refuelling station opening | 19 April | MBIE |
2324-3056 | Meeting with the Gas Industry Company on 23 April 2024 | 19 April | MBIE |
2324-2717 | 2024.04.22 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA security of supply update) | 19 April | MBIE |
2324-3038 | Dinner with Channel Infrastructure NZ Board | 22 April | MBIE |
2324-2761 | Electricity Networks Aotearoa (ENA) and Electricity Retailers’ Association of New Zealand (ERANZ) Networking Event | 24 April | MBIE |
2324-2818 | Proposed scope for the mid-point review of the phase-out of the Low Fixed Charge regulations | 24 April | MBIE |
2324-3080 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 24 April | MBIE |
2324-2977 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 24 April | MBIE |
2324-3090 | Commerce Commission’s WACC methodology | 26 April | MBIE |
2324-2716 | 2024.04.29 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) | 26 April | MBIE |
2324-3124 | Minister for Energy meeting with Jonathan Young (Ara Ake) | 29 April | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
March 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-2096 | Offshore renewable energy: regime design and next steps for Cabinet decisions | 1 March | MBIE |
2324-2215 | Aide Memoire Kiwi Solar Farms | 1 March | MBIE |
2324-2264 | 2024.03.04 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) | 1 March | MBIE |
2324-2339 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 1 March | MBIE |
2324-2421 | ETS Ministers Meeting – 6 March 2024 | 5 March | MBIE |
2324-2265 | 2024.03.11 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EECA fortnightly report) | 8 March | MBIE |
2324-2387 | Electricity Authority decision to investigate a possible undesirable trading situation (UTS) relating to 9 August 2021 following the recent High Court decision | 8 March | MBIE |
2324-2448 | Proactive release of Cabinet paper Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024 | 8 March | MBIE |
2324-2516 | Electricity Authority’s 2024/25 Levy Funding | 11 March | MBIE |
2324-2236 | Meeting with Mitsui | 12 March | MBIE |
2324-2268 | Meeting with Gareth Cartwright from Community Energy Network | 12 March | MBIE |
2324-2278 | Minster for Energy and Transport Meeting with Fonterra | 12 March | MBIE |
2324-2460 | Meeting with ExxonMobil Thursday, 14 March 2024 | 12 March | MBIE |
2324-2467 | Meeting with Paul Coster, EVA – March 2024 | 12 March | MBIE |
2223-3808 | Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill No.3- Electricity Act 1992 and Gas Act 1992 Amendments | 12 March | MBIE |
2324-2549 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 13 March | MBIE |
2324-2546 | Taranaki Offshore Renewable Energy Forum | 14 March | MBIE |
2324-2239 | Meeting with Iwi on Offshore Renewables | 15 March | MBIE |
2324-2245 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 15 March | MBIE |
2324-2266 | 2024.03.18 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) | 15 March | MBIE |
2324-2513 | Offshore renewables – Alignment with the Fast Track Approvals Bill | 15 March | MBIE |
2324-2377 | Meeting with Transpower CE and Management | 18 March | MBIE |
2324-2463 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 19 March | MBIE |
2324-2385 | Fuel Security Study and Plan: Scope and timeframes | 20 March | MBIE |
2324-2424 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 20 March | MBIE |
2324-2558 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 21 March | MBIE |
2324-2616 | Meeting with Mobil Monday, 25 March 2024* | 21 March | MBIE |
2324-2313 | Emissions Reduction Plan 2 – Energy content for consultation | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2267 | 2024.03.25 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EECA fortnightly report) | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2393 | Approval for PCO to draft the Gas (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2024 | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2683 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2587 | Meeting with Contact Energy Chief Executive* | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2653 | Advice on fuel security issues raised in Ministerial correspondence* | 22 March | MBIE |
2324-2611 | Next steps for reserve diesel | 25 March | MBIE |
2324-2349 | Submissions on draft Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations and next steps | 26 March | MBIE |
2324-2534 | Meeting with Major Gas User Group, 28 March 2024 | 26 March | MBIE |
2324-1976 | Next steps for the carbon capture, utilisation and storage workstream | 27 March | MBIE |
2324-2290 | Six-monthly Performance Report to Ministers, July-December 2023: Energy Portfolio | 27 March | MBIE |
2324-2576 | Meeting with Flick Electric CEO and Regulatory Advisor | 27 March | MBIE |
2324-2604 | Speak: Electricity CEO Forum* | 27 March | MBIE |
2324-2363 | Meeting with Energy Networks Aotearoa CEO and Deputy Chair | 28 March | MBIE |
2324-2428 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 28 March | MBIE |
2324-2575 | Further advice on renewable export value capture | 28 March | MBIE |
2324-2714 | 2024.04.02 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) | 28 March | MBIE |
*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy
February 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-1585 | Whether to proceed with an Energy Emissions Reporting Scheme | 1 February | MBIE |
2324-1868 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1541 | Offshore renewable energy: Timing and design of permitting regime | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1746 | Approval to present documents to the House | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1766 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1775 | 2024.02.05 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1832 | Proposed gas work programme | 2 February | MBIE |
2324-1800 | Fast Track Consenting – Decisions for delegated Ministers, Briefing one | 5 February | MBIE |
2324-1901 | Meeting with Parkwind – 8 February 2024 | 5 February | MBIE |
2324-1536 | 2024/25 Letter of Expectations for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | 7 February | MBIE |
2324-1547 | EV Smart Charging and Modernising the Energy Efficiency Regulatory Regime | 7 February | MBIE |
2324-1903 | Meeting with OJI Fibre Solutions | 7 February | MBIE |
2324-1595 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 8 February | MBIE |
2324-1636 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1731 | Hydrogen | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1776 | 2024.02.12 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1826 | Meeting with ENA Board | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1922 | Meeting with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1951 | Funding grant for Rakiura Stewart Island renewable electricity generation feasibility study | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1918 | Meeting with NZ Steel | 9 February | MBIE |
2324-1981 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 12 February | MBIE |
2324-1621 | Joint Ministers Breakfast with Energy Resources Aotearoa–15 February 2024 | 12 February | MBIE |
2324-2028 | Meeting with Major Electricity Users’ Group – February 2024 | 13 February | MBIE |
2324-2019 | Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024 – Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee and material to make amendments and publish decision | 13 February | MBIE |
2324-1940 | Meeting with Mobil – 15 February 2024 | 13 February | MBIE |
2324-1669 | Levy funded appropriation requests – Electricity Authority and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | 14 February | MBIE |
2324-2098 | Fast track consenting bill – Policy decisions Tranche 2A | 14 February | MBIE |
2324-0975 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1716 | Household electricity costs and expected drivers of near-term prices increases | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1792 | Implementation of the Electrify NZ work programme | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1977 | Policy decisions on the NPS-REG and NPS-ET | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1978 | BusinessNZ Energy Council breakfast | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1979 | BusinessNZ Corporate Affairs Conference | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-2102 | Advice on SEEC and CREF funding contracts | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-2085 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 15 February | MBIE |
2324-1777 | 2024.02.19 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 16 February | MBIE |
2324-2131 | Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024: Final gazette notice for your approval | 16 February | MBIE |
2324-2058 | Meeting with Manawa Energy | 20 February | MBIE |
2324-2079 | Meeting with Stephen Batstone from FlexForum | 20 February | MBIE |
2324-2181 | Meeting with Ocean Flyer and Hon Paula Bennett | 20 February | MBIE |
2324-1882 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 21 February | MBIE |
2324-2203 | Further information on legislation bids | 22 February | MBIE |
2324-1763 | Bilateral meeting with the Minister of Climate Change | 23 February | MBIE |
2324-1778 | 2024.02.26 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 23 February | MBIE |
2324-2110 | Information on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) | 23 February | MBIE |
2324-2142 | Information to Support Update to Cabinet on Closure of the Lake Onslow Project | 24 February | MBIE |
2324-2284 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 27 February | MBIE |
2324-1946 | Introductory meeting with OMV – 29 February 2024 | 27 February | MBIE |
2324-2257 | Fast track consenting bill – Inclusion of listed projects | 27 February | MBIE |
2324-2071 | Downstream energy sector conference | 29 February | MBIE |
January 2024
Tracking number | Title | Date received by Minister | Author |
2324-1400 | Electricity Operator status application: LET Capital Number 3 Limited partnership | 8 January | MBIE |
2324-0983 | Electricity Operator status application: Halo Networks Limited | 8 January | MBIE |
n/a | Security of supply A3 link between gas and electricity | 11 January | MBIE |
n/a | Note to support Minister Brown's meeting with Neal Barclay, Meridian CEO | 11 January | MBIE |
n/a | Note to support Minister Brown's meeting with NZ Super Fund | 11 January | MBIE |
n/a | Minister for Energy – Work programme table | 11 January | MBIE |
2324-1500 | 2024.01.15 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 12 January | MBIE |
2324-1567 | Further information on industrial allocation | 15 January | MBIE |
n/a | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 16 January | MBIE |
2324-1059 | The role of energy in the second Emissions Reduction Plan | 18 January | MBIE |
2324-1067 | Hard-to-Electrify activities | 18 January | MBIE |
2324-1433 | Proactive Release of the Briefing to the Incoming Minister for the Energy Portfolio | 18 January | MBIE |
2324-1501 | 2024.01.22 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 19 January | MBIE |
2324-1561 | Visit to New Plymouth on 24 January 2024 | 19 January | MBIE |
2324-1612 | Minister for Energy meeting with Vector | 23 January | MBIE |
2324-1613 | Advice on winter 2024 and an overview of the security and reliability work programme across electricity and gas | 24 January | MBIE |
2324-1656 | Meeting with Parkwind 26 Jan 2024 | 24 January | MBIE |
2324-1662 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 25 January | MBIE |
2324-1502 | 2024.01.29 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio | 26 January | MBIE |
2324-1725 | Meeting with Z Energy | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1713 | Meeting with BP New Zealand executives Thursday, 1 February 2024 | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1717 | Meeting on the Energy Sector and Government Framework | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1749 | Government Procurement and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1753 | Information on the Ara Ake Multiple Trading Relationship Pilot | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1771 | Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1720 | Meeting with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority | 30 January | MBIE |
2324-1535 | 2024/25 Letter of Expectations for the Electricity Authority | 31 January | MBIE |
2324-1700 | Meeting with Electricity Authority and Gas Industry Company on Security of Supply | 31 January | MBIE |