Social Development and Employment

The Minister for Social Development and Employment is proactively releasing the titles of documents received from MBIE.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister's reporting agency's where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.

Titles of briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Privacy of natural persons
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

June 2024

Tracking Number Title Date Received by Minister Author
2324-3621 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 6 June 2024 6 June MBIE
2324-3688 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 6 June MBIE
2324-3758 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 7 June MBIE
2324-3732 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 19 June MBIE
2324-3757 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 20 June 2024 20 June MBIE
2324-3909 Employment Key Messages: June 2024 20 June MBIE
2324-3492 Components of a Workforce Planning Mechanism 20 June MBIE
2324-3973 Attendance at the Labour Market Ministerial Group Meeting on 26 June 2024 26 June MBIE
2324-3946 Institute of Directors Engagement 26 June MBIE

May 2024

Tracking Number Title Date Received by Minister Author
2324-3095 Labour Market Statistics Snapshot – March Quarter 2024 1 May MBIE
2324-3312 Employment Key Messages: May 2024 8 May MBIE
2324-3151 Fortnightly Report to the Minister for Social Development and Employment 9 May MBIE
2324-3158 Meeting with Workforce Central Dunedin 10 May MBIE
2324-3328 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 May MBIE
2324-3357 Workforce Planning Update for Labour Market Ministers 22 May 2024 15 May MBIE
2324-3363 In-Work Training Project Update for Labour Market Ministers 22 May 15 May MBIE
2324-3451 Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs) close out report 15 May MBIE
2324-3336 Estimates Examination 2024/25 – Draft responses to the Vote Labour Standard Estimates Questionnaire – Employment Portfolio 21 May MBIE
2324-3400 Fortnightly Report to the Minister for Social Development and Employment 23 May MBIE

April 2024

Tracking Number Title Date Received by Minister Author
2324-1031 Project one proposal: Strengthening the Provision of Work-Related Training 5 April MBIE
2324-2612 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 5 April MBIE
2324-2672 Project two proposal: leveraging government investment in skills development programmes 5 April MBIE
2324-2676 Improving skills development by strengthening the role of employers and leveraging government investment 5 April MBIE
2324-2804 Attendance at the Labour Market Ministerial Group Meeting on 10 April 2024 9 April MBIE
2324-2819 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update - Thursday 11/04/2024 11 April MBIE
2324-2962 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 12 April MBIE
2324-2035 2023/24 Supplementary and 2024/25 Main Estimates - Vote LM- Social Development and Employment 17 April MBIE
2324-3032 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update - Thursday 25/04/2024 24 April MBIE
2324-2321 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 30 April MBIE

March 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-2440 Meeting with Woman Across the Sectors  6 March MBIE
2324-2437 Meeting with Margaret Kouvelis and Talent Central  7 March MBIE
2324-2419 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 14/03/2024  14 March MBIE
2324-2663 Employment Key Messages: March 2024  27 March MBIE
2324-2630 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 28/03/2024  28 March MBIE

February 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-1772 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 01/02/2024 2 February MBIE
2324-1897 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 February MBIE
2324-1887 Labour Market Statistics Snapshot – December Quarter 2023 7 February MBIE
2324-1851 Proactive release of Cabinet paper – Regional Skills Leadership Groups – Agreement to Disestablish 15 February MBIE
2324-1930 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 15/02/2024 15 February MBIE
2324-1926 Reshaping the Strategic Response to the Impact of Global Megatrends on the Labour Market 21 February MBIE
2324-1908 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 February MBIE
2324-2253 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 February MBIE
2324-2152 Skills and Employment Fortnightly Update – Thursday 29 February 29 February MBIE
2324-2269 Employment Key Messages – February 2024 29 February MBIE

January 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-1551 Cabinet Paper Regional Skills Leadership Groups – Talking points for CBC, Wednesday 17 February 2024 15 January MBIE
2324-1432 Proactive Release of the Employment Briefing to Incoming Minister 17 January MBIE
2324-1654 Future Direction of the Future of Work Tripartite Forum 23 January MBIE
2324-1765 Meeting with Chair of SWEP – Susan Paterson 31 January MBIE
In this section

Social Development and Employment – 2023

Titles of documents the Minister of Social Development and Employment received from MBIE in 2023.

Social Development and Employment – 2022

Titles of documents the Minister of Social Development and Employment received from MBIE in 2022.

Last updated: 16 July 2024