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Strategic Intentions
Strategic intentions 2023-2028
The way we work
Our people
Strategic intentions 2023-2028
- Statements of responsibility
- Minister's foreword
- Chief Executive’s introduction | He Kupu Whakataki nā te Tumu Whakarae
- About MBIE
- Summary
- Supporting Government priorities
Our strategic intentions
- Outcome 1: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions
- Outcome 2: Skilled people engaged in safe and productive work
- Outcome 3: Competitive markets with informed consumers and businesses
- Outcome 4: Strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources
- Outcome 5: Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections
- The way we work
- Annex 1: Measures and indicators
Our people
We are a diverse team whose work supports communities across Aotearoa New Zealand: our people are taonga (what is precious) and our greatest strength.
On this page
We want MBIE to be the place where people want to work. Our people should feel they belong, are engaged, can grow professionally, and have the skills and environment to deliver MBIE’s purpose.
MBIE’s People Strategy, He Rautaki Hīkinga Tāngata, has 4 pillars.
- Empower/Whakamana: Creating a safe, trusting and inclusive environment for our people to thrive.
- Develop/Whakawhanake: Developing our people so they can grow and deliver for Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Evolve/Whakapakari: Continuously improving our processes and tools to make things easier and more efficient for our people.
- Enable/Whakakaha: Co-designing innovative, best-fit solutions with our stakeholders and partners, being an exemplar of people practices in the Public Service.