Outcome 3: Competitive markets with informed consumers and businesses

What we’re working towards

Competitive systems that enable the operations of businesses and the market, while protecting the rights of users and consumers.

Why is this important

A market with appropriate checks and balances increases the confidence of people and businesses to participate freely in the economy. Making sure consumers and businesses are informed about their rights and responsibilities, and they know that mechanisms are in place to protect them from harm, including dispute resolution mechanisms if things go wrong, is vital to healthy economic activity and economic growth.

We achieve this by regulating markets, providing critical information to consumers, providing dispute resolution services, and supporting businesses to grow and evolve. Well-functioning building and tenancy systems and markets are important parts of the availability, cost and quality of people’s homes, and an important determinant of social and life outcomes.

Economic levers and services

  • Foundational services and support for businesses
  • Market and regulatory settings
  • Building and tenancy systems
  • Early and alternative means of dispute resolution
  • Emergency information services

Government priorities supported

  • Better regulation
  • Strengthen trade and investment

Key services

  • New Zealand Companies Office
  • business.govt.nz
  • Consumer Protection
  • Tenancy Services

Key funding streams

  • Commerce and consumer affairs
  • Financial markets
  • Tenancy
  • Building

Our strategic intentions

To ensure competitive markets with confident consumers and businesses, MBIE will:

  • Focus on the users of MBIE systems to make sure services are customer and user-centric and easy to navigate.
  • Streamline the building consent system and reduce regulatory costs.
  • Enable the increased use of more overseas building products and systems.
  • Make sure that building seismic systems balance risks and costs.
  • Support consumers, tenants, landlords, workers and businesses by providing information and services, including dispute resolution services.
  • Work to ensure well-regulated markets, including setting and enforcing market rules.