Submissions on the Energy Hardship Expert Panel’s Discussion Paper
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Submissions closed: 28 April 2023
In late March 2023, the Energy Hardship Expert Panel published its Discussion Paper, ‘Te Kore, Te Pō, Te Ao Marama | Energy Hardship: the challenges and the way forward’, to seek feedback on its proposed strategies to better support households experiencing energy hardship. In response the following submissions were received. These submissions were considered by the Panel, alongside feedback from its engagement programme, as input to it preparing its final set of recommendations to the Government.
Submissions received
The Panel received over 50 submissions in response to its Discussion Paper, ‘Te Kore, Te Pō, Te Ao Marama | Energy Hardship: the challenges and the way forward’.
The submissions were as follows:
Renters United submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 107KB]
Independent Retailers submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 337KB]
Liz Kilduff submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 389KB]
Luiza Brabo-Catala submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 381KB]
Manaaki Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 909KB]
Mana Tāhuna submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 223KB]
Manawatu Tenants Union submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 244KB]
Mercury Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 779KB]
Meridian Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 284KB]
Nova Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 152KB]
Orion New Zealand submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 517KB]
Patricia Scott submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 248KB]
Paua to the People submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 541KB]
Powerco submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 699KB]
Ian McChesney submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 360KB]
Robert Murray submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 238KB]
Sarah Willis submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 371KB]
Seniors Climate Action Network submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 411KB]
Sustainability Trust submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 560KB]
Tākiri Mai Te Ata Whanau Ora Collective submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 1MB]
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 389KB]
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu written submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 262KB]
The Salvation Army submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 180KB]
The Tindall Foundation submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 469KB]
University of Otago Wellington submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 422KB]
Utilities Disputes Limited submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 567KB]
Waikato Environmental Centre submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 549KB]
Wellington Regional Healthy Housing Group submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 554KB]
Contact Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 872KB]
Alex submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 381KB]
Anonymous Submitter 1 submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 383KB]
Anonymous Submitter 2 submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 391KB]
Anonymous Submitter 3 submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 389KB]
Anonymous Submitter 4 submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 67KB]
Aukaha submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 1.7MB]
Aukaha written submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 2.6MB]
Beacon Pathway Incorporated submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 563KB]
BRANZ submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 858KB]
Christian Action Aotearoa submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 404KB]
Community Energy Network submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 477KB]
Community Law Centres of Aotearoa submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 497KB]
Consumer Advocacy Council submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 853KB]
350 Aotearoa submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 538KB]
Dr. Sea Rotmann submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 399KB]
Dunedin Budget Advisory Service submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 11MB]
Electricity Networks Association submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 553KB]
Empower Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 544KB]
ERANZ submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 192KB]
Esme Putt submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 387KB]
FinCap submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 460KB]
Flick Electric submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 1.2MB]
Foundation North submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 384KB]
Genesis Energy submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 660KB]
Gil Brown submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 381KB]
Habitat for Humanity Northern Region submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 409KB]
Home Performance Advisor Training Programme submission on Energy hardship: the challenges and the way forward discussion paper [PDF 377KB]