Mandatory climate-related disclosures
Some financial market participants must disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities in annual climate statements.
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Consultation open: Capital Markets Reforms
The Government is seeking public feedback on potential adjustments to the climate-related disclosures regime. Consultation closes on 14 February 2025.
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Purpose of mandatory reporting
Mandatory reporting of climate-related disclosures will help to address climate change risks outlined in the National Climate Change Risk Assessment by making our financial system more resilient. It will also help New Zealand meet its international obligations to achieve the target of net zero emissions by 2050.
National climate change risk assessment for New Zealand - Main report(external link) — Ministry for the Environment
The goal of mandatory climate-related disclosures is to:
- ensure that the effects of climate change are routinely considered in business, investment, lending and insurance underwriting decisions;
- help climate reporting entities better demonstrate responsibility and foresight in their consideration of climate issues; and
- lead to more efficient allocation of capital, and help smooth the transition to a more sustainable, low emissions economy.
Legislation for mandatory climate-related disclosures
Part 7A of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 now requires some financial market participants to make climate-related disclosures in annual climate statements. The first disclosures are now publicly available on the Companies Office Climate-related Disclosures Register.
Climate-related Disclosures Register(external link) — New Zealand Companies Office
Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Compliance with the mandatory reporting requirements
Organisations that must make disclosures
Around 170 financial market participants in New Zealand will be required to produce climate-related disclosures. These climate reporting entities include:
- All registered banks, credit unions, and building societies with total assets of more than $1 billion.
- All managers of registered investment schemes (other than restricted schemes) with greater than $1 billion in total assets under management.
- All licensed insurers with greater than $1 billion in total assets or annual gross premium revenue greater than $250 million.
- Large listed issuers of quoted equity securities or quoted debt securities. An equity issuer is large if the market price of all of its equity securities exceeds $60 million and a debt issuer is large if the face value of its quoted debt exceeds $60 million. Issuers listed on growth markets are excluded from the climate reporting entity definition.
Managers of registered investment schemes must make disclosures on a fund-by-fund basis. This ensures investors receive the information needed to understand the impact of climate change on the future performance of their investment.
Overseas incorporated organisations will be required to make disclosures if their New Zealand business is over the thresholds outlined above.
The thresholds will be increased from time to time to reflect the movements in the consumers price index.
Reporting standards
Climate reporting entities report against standards issued by the External Reporting Board (XRB).
Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards(external link) (15 December 2022) — XRB
The standards were developed largely in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The TCFD recommendations are a leading framework for climate-related disclosures internationally. The recommendations are structured around 4 thematic areas that represent core elements of how organisations operate:
- governance
- strategy
- risk management
- metrics and targets.
Final Report: Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(external link) (June 2017) — TCFD
Regulations to support the climate-related disclosures regime
The Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014 and the Financial Markets Authorities (Levies) Regulations 2012, provide:
- the manner in which climate records need to be kept and made available for inspection;
- fees for filing and infringement fees for non-compliance with record keeping obligations; and
- technical requirements relating to the functioning of the Climate-related Disclosures Register.
Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Assurance Requirements
Assurance over greenhouse gas emissions
Climate reporting entities must ensure that the parts of their climate statements relating to greenhouse gas emissions are independently assured for financial years ending on or after 27 October 2024. An assurance report must be lodged with the climate statement.
Past consultations
MBIE and the Ministry for Environment (MfE) publicly consulted on the future of assurance obligations for climate reporting entities, asking:
- Whether there should be an occupational licensing regime for “CRD assurance practitioners”.
- Whether the scope of the assurance requirement should be extended to assurance over all disclosures in the climate statements.
This consultation closed on 10 February 2023. MBIE and MfE are now analysing submissions to inform future decisions on assurance obligations.
Monitoring, supervision and enforcement of the regime
The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is responsible for the independent monitoring, supervision and enforcement of the climate-related disclosures regime. The FMA have committed to taking a constructive and educative role in the early stages of implementation. The first year will focus on setting initial compliance expectations, the second year will aim to support development of best practice, and the third year will aim to be a steady state of guidance, monitoring and enforcement. The FMA have published guidance around their oversight approach for the first three years of the regime, as well as other guidance materials for climate reporting entities on their record-keeping obligations, and information on exemptions, which can be found at the below link.
Climate Reporting Entities(external link) — FMA
Development of the legislation
Development of the Bill
In October 2019, MBIE and MfE released for public comment, a discussion document setting out the rationale and initial proposals for the regime. Feedback from the consultation informed the Cabinet paper submitted in August 2020, seeking approval to introduce mandatory climate-related disclosures in New Zealand.
- Climate-related financial disclosures discussion document(external link) — Ministry for the Environment website
- Climate-related financial disclosures: summary of submissions(external link) — Ministry for the Environment
- Cabinet paper: Climate-related financial disclosures(external link) — Ministry for the Environment
- Regulatory impact assessment: Climate-related financial disclosures(external link) — Ministry for the Environment
- Low emissions economy report(external link) — New Zealand Productivity Commission
In April 2021, Cabinet approved for introduction the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.
Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF 106KB]
Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction - Minute of Decision [PDF 63KB]
Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill - Disclosure Statement [PDF 129KB]
Development of the Regulations
To ensure that the regime operates as intended, Cabinet agreed to introduce regulations to support the regime.
Implementing the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 [PDF 2.2MB]
Climate-related disclosures regulations: filing fee and technical matters [PDF 311KB]
Cost Recovery Impact Statement: Regulations to introduce a fee for lodging climate statements [PDF 358KB]
Climate-related disclosures regulations: filing fee and technical matters – Minute of Decision [PDF 196KB]
Financial Markets Conduct (Climate-related Disclosures) Amendment Regulations 2023 [PDF 148KB]
Financial Markets Conduct (Climate-related Disclosures) Amendment Regulations 2023 – Minute of Decision [PDF 181KB]
Financial Markets Conduct (Climate-related Disclosures and Fees) Amendment Regulations 2023 and Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations 2023 [PDF 211KB]