Small business and manufacturing
We provide advice to the Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing, and deliver services that support small businesses and manufacturers to grow and prosper.
On this page
Small business in New Zealand
New Zealand is a nation of small and micro business, including the self-employed. Our small businesses are smaller in comparison with their international counterparts, yet they are flexible, resourceful and innovative. Loosely defined as those with less than 20 employees, there are around 594,000 small businesses in New Zealand representing 97% of all businesses. With roughly 1 to 5 employees, there are approximately 102,000 micro-businesses representing 17% of all businesses. Small businesses account for 27% of employment and contribute over 40% of economic value-add.
The productivity and prosperity of small businesses are vital to the growth of the economy and the thousands of people they employ. Small businesses provide jobs and incomes across all parts of the country, deliver goods and services that are essential to keep our regions strong, and help showcase New Zealand as a world-class place to visit, study, live and do business.
Small businesses are represented in all sectors, have many different operating models and interact with government and the economy in a range of ways. MBIE seeks to support small businesses by:
- understanding the unique needs and characteristics of New Zealand’s small businesses, their issues and emerging opportunities by working with private sector, industry bodies, and across agencies
- helping create an enabling regulatory environment that supports small businesses to thrive
- delivering digital solutions to modernise business interactions with government and provide consistency across government services
- providing information and resources to support businesses through the different stages of business development
- helping business engage with and utilise the range of support that is available to them.
Small business tools and services
Services available to assist small businesses and manufacturers include: link)
Regional Business Partner Network(external link) —
Key small business data
This factsheet brings together most recent and previously released data from Stats NZ business surveys and other sources.
Small Business Advisory Group
The Small Business Advisory Group (SBAG) was established in 2024 to provide the Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing and MBIE insights and advice on issues and opportunities for small businesses. The SBAG consists of approximately 50 small business owners, representatives of industry body organisations, and regional and national Chambers.
SBAG Leadership Profiles
David Downs, SBAG Chair

David is the CEO of the New Zealand Story. He previously held a number of General Management roles with NZTE, and spent over 11 years at Microsoft in executive positions. David is the Chairman of the Icehouse and the Well Foundation, and serves as a member of DIA’s Advisory Committee. David has previously been a small business owner.
Paul Retimanu, SBAG Deputy Chair

Paul runs his own event and venue management company. With a strong skillset in governance, Paul has focused his attention over the years on better outcomes for Māori and Pacifica young people in business and education. Paul sits on several boards including as Chair for the Pacific Island Business Development Trust Board and the Wellington Pacific Business Network, both of which he chairs.
Previous Small Business Advisory forums
The Small Business Council (SBC) was formed in 2018 for 12 months to provide advice to the Minister for Small Business and to develop a New Zealand small business strategy.
In July 2019 the SBC presented the Government with their ‘New Zealand Small Business Strategy: Empowering small businesses to aspire, succeed and thrive’.
Read the media statement on the Beehive website:
Supporting small business to prosper(external link) —
Between 2019 and 2024, the government had 5 Small Business Advisors, whose role was to support the Minister for Small Business and government agencies to make sound decisions that support small businesses. The Small Business Advisors acted as champions for small business, bringing a multi-time horizon while supporting the aspirations of small business, diversity, and regional New Zealand. They also provided oversight and advice on the Small Business Strategy developed by the Small Business Council.
More information
'New Zealand's Support for Small Business' has more information on government agencies' support for small businesses:
New Zealand's Support for Small Business [PDF 5.1MB](external link) —
The Small Business Development Group (SBDG) was established in 2003 to advise government on small business matters. It was dis-established in 2017. Read their report and the Government response: