Border Operations Branch

Border branches facilitate the flow of migrants across, and maintain the security of, New Zealand’s borders.

The Interview

Border immigration officers may require interpreters for a range of interviews held to establish whether a person should be allowed into NZ.

These interviews are usually to establish bona fides and ensure the person’s reasons for travelling to NZ coincide with their visa.

In addition, those who make spontaneous asylum claims at the airport will usually be interviewed at the airport to determine whether the person should be allowed to enter with a visa or refused entry and detained.

The interview covers issues such as identity, basis of refugee claim, and how they travelled.

Location: Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch International Airports

Length: Approximately 60 minutes

NB: Although the interview takes approximately one hour, the interpreter may be needed for up to three hours.

Interpreters might be given very little notice of a job at the airport, whereas all other branches can usually book interpreters well in advance.

Border Interview Template

The border interview standard template is:

Interview Start Time
Introductions as appropriate – should include all in the room
Do you understand the interpreter?
The interpreter is here to assist with your interview. The interpreter is only permitted to speak when translating questions or answers. Do not ask the interpreter to help you in any other way – they do not have authority to assist you
Recording  Please note this interview will be recorded. I will also be taking notes. I would also like to confirm that there is no one else in the room other than those introduced and yourself.
Purpose  The purpose of this interview is to assess whether you can enter New Zealand today. You can end this interview at any time.
Caution  It is your responsibility to satisfy me that you are a genuine visitor to New Zealand. You must tell the truth during this interview. Providing misleading information could affect the outcome of this interview, and any future applications. It is an offence under the Immigration Act 2009 to mislead me or to knowingly supply false information.
To confirm your understanding please tell me what you understand by this?