Visa Branches
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Brief overview
Interviews held by immigration officers are for information gathering purposes to aid in the determination of either temporary entry (e.g. work, student, or visitor) or residence applications.
Types of interviews, location & length
All interviews are conducted by immigration officers. Interpreters are required at interviews where either the applicants, or their sponsors, are not able speak English or are not confident in their English language ability.
Most interviews conducted by immigration officers, for which interpreters are required, are for assessing partnership cases. In these cases, applicants must provide sufficient evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that they have been living together for 12 months or more in a partnership that is genuine and stable, with a New Zealand citizen or resident.
The Visa & Permit Branches in the Auckland Region are located in Manukau and Henderson.
Standard Interview Template Partnership Interviews
The applicants were advised the purpose of the interview is to gather further information to assist with making a decision on the residence application which was lodged on XXXX.
The applicants were advised it is an offence under Section 342 of the Immigration Act 2009 to supply false or misleading information to an immigration officer and if convicted under s 355 of this Act the maximum penalty is a term of imprisonment not exceeding 7 years and/or a fine not exceeding $100,000.
Warrant to be shown to the applicant.
Support documents supplied as follows:
Questions and answers
[interview proceeds]
Standard Interview Template Partnership Interviews (continued)
[Notation of Questions & Answers by Immigration Officer]
I confirm that the above is a true and accurate record of the interview. OR
I confirm that the above was read back to me in ………………….. by the interpreter, and is a true and accurate record of the interview.
.…………………… Immigration Officer Signature
.…………………… Interviewee’s Signature
.…………………… Interpreter’s Signature