Delivery and monitoring
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We will take an iterative approach to this strategy, with a 1-year review. Following this, we plan to conduct reviews every 3 years.
An annual delivery roadmap
Each year the government will publish an annual delivery roadmap to set future key actions for the delivery of the strategy. This first strategy has the roadmap within.
How will we know the strategy is succeeding?
Achieving a productive, valued and resilient sector requires measurement. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will measure and report on sector value, ease of business, information availability, and critical mineral resilience.
Sector value
Increased sector value, export sales, jobs, income, regional benefits from minerals developments, and inward investment.
Ease of business
Improved efficiency of our regulatory framework.
Information availability
Increased information availability on our minerals, their potential and value, and sector performance.
Critical mineral resilience
Increased critical minerals supply resilience and involvement in international minerals partnerships.