Guiding principle 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We are taking an active, deliberate and coordinated approach for New Zealand’s mineral development that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and upholds Treaty settlements and commitments.

Iwi and hapū have significant interests and rights in relation to the protection and management of natural resources. The Government recognises aspirations for greater participation in natural resource management, given long-standing cultural, historical, spiritual, and traditional association to minerals.

Additionally, iwi and hapū have specific interests in minerals development, either directly as participants or indirectly with a view to regional employment and development. Iwi and hapū have an important role and opportunity as economic investors in sustainable project development and job creation, leading to regional economic prosperity.

In recognition of these rights and interests many iwi and hapū have, or are in negotiation with the Crown on, Crown Minerals Protocols expressed through their Treaty Settlements. These may include a commitment to ensure iwi and hapū are consulted with on the issuing of mining permits and the management of minerals. Some Treaty settlements and pieces of legislation also vest, or provide fossicking rights for, certain minerals.
Iwi and hapū also have broader perspectives relating to resource development. Activities associated with mineral extraction may have impacts on other kinds of rights and interests.

With Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a guiding principle, this strategy's outcomes and objectives will drive minerals development in a way that upholds Treaty settlements and commitments and recognises iwi and hapū perspectives and aspirations.