Delivery roadmap
The delivery roadmap, intended to be updated annually, outlines actions to progress the strategy’s vision and goal.
On this page
A minerals sector that delivers for New Zealanders, now and into the future, by supporting a productive and resilient economy through responsible and sustainable practices.
Double the value of New Zealand’s mineral exports to $3 billion by 2035.
- Improve regulatory pathways to make obtaining permits and consents more efficient.
- Develop a responsible regulatory framework that benefits New Zealand, its communities, and honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- Foster sector research, innovation, value add, workforce development, and the mining technology and services industry.
- Attract foreign and domestic investment across the minerals value chain.
2024 onwards
Highlighted items
- Fast-track Approvals legislation passed.
- Improve visibility and access to information about minerals and our regulatory framework for potential prospectors, developers, and investors.
- Regional deals package implemented (royalty shares to regions).
- Minerals science, innovation and technology network established.
- Improve efficiency by setting and reporting on processing timeframes for permit applications.
Other items
- RMA reforms passed (consenting pathways).
- Hui with iwi to progress mineral aspirations and inform policy.
- Support mining equipment, technology and services (METS) exports.
- Support foreign investment through continued partnership between MBIE and NZTE, including encouraging foreign investment in R&D.
- Review regulatory settings for new minerals.
- Improve information and guidance for permit applications.
- Investment opportunities promoted internationally.
- Evaluate royalty settings.
- Investigate rent and compensation settings for public conservation land.
- Improve visibility of permit applications being assessed.
2026 onwards
Highlighted items
- Minerals research strategy developed.
- Legislation to replace RMA passed.
- Introduce legislation to enable new minerals, tailing recovery, and any rent and royalty settings.
Other items
- Support innovation in minerals recycling, recovery and reuse through science and regional development mechanisms.
- Explore domestic processing and refining initiatives.
- Explore regulatory settings to support minerals recycling, recovery and reuse.
- Explore workforce development needs, skills and training programmes.
- Improve infrastructure resilience in regions with mining operations.
2028 onwards
Highlighted item
- Enabling legislation implemented.
- Improve data on New Zealand’s mineral resources, production and consumption.
- Increase public understanding of minerals and use, our robust regulatory regime, and sector performance.
2024 onwards
Highlighted item
- Stocktake of New Zealand’s known mineral potential.
Other items
- Strengthen stewardship of NZP&M geoscience data collections.
- Improve accessibility to field seismic data collections.
- Improve transparency about regulator decisions and approvals system to reinforce New Zealand’s high credentials.
- Encourage the sector to engage with communities to share social, cultural, and environmental contributions and case studies.
- Improve information and transparency about our minerals, their value, contribution and potential.
2026 onwards
Highlighted item
- Public dashboard for minerals information, decisions and processes developed.
Other items
- Investigate ways to monitor and report on sector performance.
- Sector growth pathway modelling investigated.
- Improve the collection of Crown and private mineral production data.
2028 onwards
Highlighted item
- Implement improvements to monitoring and reporting on sector performance.
- Support strategically important critical mineral developments,
facilities, and capabilities. - Build international partnerships on critical minerals with economic partners.
2024 onwards
Highlighted item
- Critical Minerals List developed.
Other items
- Explore preferential pathways for critical minerals development.
- Engage with countries to identify and collaborate on joint initiatives for international trade of critical minerals.
- Investigate wider system settings to enable critical minerals development and supply.
- Engage with countries to support supply chain resilience for critical minerals.
2026 onwards
Highlighted item
- Implement preferential pathways for critical minerals development.
Other item
- Review Critical Minerals List.
2028 onwards
Highlighted item
- Review and evaluate critical minerals settings.
Content and timeframes are indicative and may change as policy, timing and funding decisions develop. The delivery roadmap is intended to be updated annually.