Our strategy
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Our vision
A minerals sector that delivers for New Zealanders, now and into the future, by supporting a productive and resilient economy through responsible and sustainable practices.
Our goal
Double the value of our mineral exports to $3 billion by 2035.
Guiding principle 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi
We are taking an active, deliberate and coordinated approach for New Zealand’s mineral development that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and upholds Treaty settlements and commitments.
Guiding principle 2: Responsible
Minerals developments in New Zealand will happen in a responsible manner where environmental protection, the health and safety of our workers, and impacts on regional communities inform all sector initiatives.
Outcome 1: Productive
Sector growth and innovation contributes to New Zealand’s prosperity.
- Improve regulatory pathways to make obtaining permits and consents more efficient.
- Develop a responsible regulatory framework that benefits New Zealand, its communities, and honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- Foster sector research, innovation, value add, workforce development, and the mining technology and services industry.
- Attract foreign and domestic investment across the minerals value chain.
Outcome 2: Valued
The value and potential of our minerals are understood, the sector’s performance is known, and responsible practices are recognised.
- Improve data on New Zealand’s mineral resources, production and consumption.
- Increase public understanding of minerals and use, our robust regulatory regime, and sector performance.
Outcome 3: Resilient
Our critical minerals are sought after and support resilient supply chains, here and overseas.
- Support strategically important critical mineral developments, facilities, and capabilities.
- Build international partnerships on critical minerals with economic partners.