Outcome 1: Productive

Sector growth and innovation contributes to New Zealand’s prosperity.

Productivity is at the heart of this strategy. Our economy requires access to the minerals it needs at the right time and in the right quantities to grow and thrive. Many of these minerals can be sourced responsibly in New Zealand if we have the right settings in place – this enhances security of supply. We can also derive value through the export of our minerals in a way that returns value to New Zealanders.

We will work towards enabling a more efficient regulatory system that can deliver minerals for our economy and regions, and in a way that respects the environment and conservation land, with Te Tiriti o Waitangi front of mind.

Production may come from the ground, from the re-processing of wastes and slags, or potentially from recycling and recovery. Circular economy thinking is part of our future.

Embracing technology and innovation can enhance our productivity and reduce financial, social and environmental costs. A major focus is adding value to our minerals by undertaking domestic processing prior to export. Increased mining, equipment, technology and services (METS) activity will also increase productivity.

Minerals projects need capital to get underway – the Government will promote our mineral opportunities to attract capital across the minerals value chain, from prospecting to refining. We will support initiatives in geoscience, research, innovation and regional infrastructure. We will work across government to enable these objectives with research organisations, investment agencies and the private sector.

How will we know that we have met this outcome?

We’ll know that we have met this outcome if mineral exports have doubled to $3 billion by 2035. This growth will bring additional jobs, wealth, and other benefits to New Zealand and to regional communities.


  • Improve regulatory pathways to make obtaining permits and consents more efficient.
  • Develop a responsible regulatory framework that benefits New Zealand, its communities, and honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
  • Foster sector research, innovation, value add, workforce development, and the mining technology and services industry.
  • Attract foreign and domestic investment across the minerals value chain.