Guiding principle 2: Responsible

Minerals developments in New Zealand will happen in a responsible manner where environmental protection, the health and safety of our workers, and impacts on regional communities inform all sector initiatives.

Minerals production will not come at the expense of our environment, the health and safety of workers, or the communities in which activity takes place. All mineral production needs to be done in a responsible way.

This means ensuring we balance environmental protection and long-term environmental sustainability with the need for resource development. All actions that come out of this strategy will be informed by measures to minimise environmental impacts, ensure best practice rehabilitation plans, and mitigate environmental risks associated with mining. This specifically includes ensuring ongoing protection of areas of high value recognised as Schedule 4 land in the Crown Minerals Act 1991.

The safety and wellbeing of our people and communities is non-negotiable. There have been times when our workers have not returned to their families and our communities have suffered. Government and the sector carry both the weight of these failures and the lessons they taught us. Our work to cut red tape does not mean that we are cutting corners. The actions that are progressed under this strategy will support responsible practices that ensure the safety of our workers and the wellbeing of the communities where our workers come from.