Provide your feedback

Tell us what you think about a CDR in the banking and electricity sectors. You are welcome to respond to some, or all, of the questions set out in these discussion documents and raise any other relevant points.

Open banking discussion document

MBIE has produced a discussion document on proposals for open banking designation regulations. Read the discussion document and information on how to submit your feedback.

Exploring a consumer data right for the banking sector  

Electricity discussion document

MBIE has produced a discussion document exploring the potential designation of the electricity sector. Read the discussion document and information on how to submit your feedback.

Exploring a consumer data right for the electricity sector 

Submit feedback on the Customer and Product Data Bill

The Bill is currently before the Economic Development, Science and Innovation select committee. Comments on the content of the Bill should be directed to the select committee, either in written submissions (due 5 September 2024) or in oral submissions (which will take place after written submissions close), rather than through submissions on this discussion paper.

Make a submission on the Customer and Product Data Bill(external link) — New Zealand Parliament

Last updated: 11 September 2024