Annual report 2023/24 – Pūrongo ā-tau 2023/24

Hīkina Whakatutuki | The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s 2023/24 Annual Report is a review of our financial and non-financial performance against our outcomes, priorities and obligations.

MBIE karakia

Tāwhia tō mana kia mau, kia māia.
Ka huri taku aro ki te pae kahurangi, kei reira te oranga mōku.
Mā mahi tahi, ka ora, ka puāwai.
Ā mātau mahi katoa, ka pono, ka tika.
Tihei Mauri Ora!

Retain and hold fast to your mana, be bold, be brave.
We turn our attention to the future,
that’s where the opportunities lie.
By working together we will flourish and achieve greatness.
Taking responsibility to commit to doing things right.
Tihei Mauri Ora!

We strive to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All. Our purpose is underpinned by our 5 strategic outcomes:

  1. Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions
  2. Skilled people engaged in safe and productive work
  3. Competitive markets with informed consumers and businesses
  4. Strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources
  5. Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections.

This web version of the annual report 2023/24 consists of an extract of financial and non-financial performance information from the full official Annual Report 2023/24.

The official electronic version of the Annual Report 2023/24 is provided in PDF format below. Additional information, including our performance measure results, full financial statements and appendices can be found in the PDF version of the report. We may also publish this document in other electronic formats to improve the accessibility of our information. While these alternative formats may have minor presentation changes, we make every effort to ensure the information is accurately converted.