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Annual reports – Ngā pūrongo ā-tau
Annual report 2023/24 – Pūrongo ā-tau 2023/24
The way we work
Our scope and responsibilities
Annual report 2023/24 – Pūrongo ā-tau 2023/24
- Chief Executive’s introduction
- About MBIE
- Delivering services to people and business
- New Zealand's economic context
- Budget significant initiatives
Our outcomes
- Outcome 1: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions
- Outcome 2: Skilled people engaged in safe and productive work
- Outcome 3: Competitive markets with informed consumers and business
- Outcome 4: Strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources
- Outcome 5: Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections
- The way we work
Our scope and responsibilities
MBIE’s main responsibilities span 15 interconnected ministerial portfolios (supporting several more) across 3 funding areas (known as Votes). The Minister responsible for MBIE, the Minister for Economic Development, is accountable to Parliament to make sure MBIE carries out its functions effectively and efficiently.
On this page
MBIE has responsibility for 17 regulatory systems with considerable variation in scope, function, risk profile, stakeholders, interfaces, and public and political scrutiny. These systems underpin economic activity and growth and provide safety and certainty to people, businesses and the country as a whole.
MBIE also has responsibilities relating to the operations, funding, monitoring and support of Ministers in the execution of their duties for several Crown entities and statutory bodies. MBIE is the functional lead for the Government’s property and procurement functions.
MBIE is also responsible for performance monitoring, appointments and relationship management arrangements for other entities, such as licensing boards, advisory boards, ministerial advisory committees, dispute resolution boards, charitable trusts, incorporated societies, authorities, and statutory boards.

Text description of infographic
A diagram showing how MBIE’s regulatory systems and Crown entities funded connect to the portfolios MBIE is responsible for.
1. Vote Business, Science and Innovation
- Portfolio: Economic Development
- Crown entities funded: New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, New Zealand Capital Growth Partners‑Limited
- Portfolio: Small Business and Manufacturing
- Portfolio: Commerce and consumer affairs
- Regulatory systems: Competition, Consumer and commercial, Corporate governance, Financial markets conduct, Intellectual property, Standards and conformance, Trade remedies
- Crown Entities funded: Commerce Commission, Financial Markets Authority Takeovers Panel, Retirement Commission, External Reporting Board
- Portfolio: Media and Communications
- Regulatory systems: Communication markets
- Crown Entities funded: Crown Infrastructure Partners Limited
- Portfolio: Resources
- Regulatory systems: Petroleum and minerals
- Portfolio: Energy
- Regulatory systems: Energy markets
- Crown Entities funded: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority; Electricity Authority
- Portfolio: Science, Innovation and Technology
- Crown Entities funded: Antarctica NZ, Callaghan Innovation, 7 Crown Research Institutes, Health Research Council of New‑Zealand, Research and Education Advanced Network
- Portfolio: Space
- Regulatory systems: Outer space and high-altitude activities
- Portfolio: Auckland
- Portfolio: Regional Development
- Crown Entities funded: Crown Regional Holdings Limited
- Portfolio: Tourism and Hospitality
- Crown Entities funded: New Zealand Tourism Board
2. Vote Labour Market
- Portfolio: Immigration
o Regulatory systems: Immigration
- Portfolio: Social Development and Employment*
- Portfolio: ACC
- Regulatory systems: Accident compensation
- Crown Entities funded: Accident Compensation Corporation
- Portfolio: Workplace Relations and Safety
- Regulatory systems: Employment relations and standards, Health and safety at work
- Crown Entities funded: WorkSafe New Zealand
3. Vote Building and Construction
- Portfolio: Building and Construction
- Regulatory systems: Building
- Portfolio: Housing*
- Regulatory systems: Housing and tenancy
* MBIE leads on Employment within the Social Development and Employment portfolio and has key Tenancy responsibilities as part of the Housing portfolio. Other portfolios we support include Māori Development, Emergency Management and Recovery, Sports and Recreation and Public Service.