Leadership, governance and risk

Our senior leadership team consists of the Secretary (Chief Executive), 8 deputy secretaries and the Chief Advisor to the Secretary.

They are responsible for the achievement of MBIE’s strategic outcomes, including the ongoing stewardship of MBIE, its people,systems and functions. They make sure MBIE’s efforts and resources are focused on the right areas at the right time. They also champion MBIE’s values and drive cultural change.

MBIE’s chief executive is accountable for the leadership and overall performance of the organisation and has representation on various boards and governance entities, such as the Council of Financial Regulators.

Effective governance allows MBIE to achieve its core outcomes through a framework of leadership, stewardship and decision-making. MBIE’s governance system, Mana Whakaruruhau, is made up of a series of committees that provide the architecture through which the organisation delivers its strategic intentions. This allows us to solve real-time issues and consider future-focused options. The responsibilities of these committees include:

  • agreeing and delivering on our organisational strategy
  • prioritising investment
  • getting assurance on the effectiveness of our services and capabilities
  • managing systems to keep our people safe and well
  • monitoring risk
  • monitoring performance across the organisation.

Monitoring risk is an important part of how we operate, and we integrate effective risk management into our culture, governance arrangements, business planning and decision-making processes. Monitoring and managing risk is the responsibility of everyone at MBIE, but we also have risk and assurance specialists to manage strategic and operational risks. Additionally, an external risk and advisory committee provides independent, objective advice on the framework and insights on risks and how MBIE is responding to these.