Our outcomes

MBIE’s vision is to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All. We achieve this by growing opportunities for people and businesses (puāwai), acting as a guardian, supporting and protecting the systems that underpin economic activity (kaihāpai), and enabling innovation, to navigate towards a better future (auaha).

The 5 outcomes in our Strategic Intentions 2023– 2028 reflect how MBIE works to improve the lives and livelihoods of New Zealanders.

The outcomes framework below outlines the link between MBIE’s purpose, mission and outcomes, along with the Government priorities that drive and inform our work.

Outcome indicators and output performance measures are different ways of assessing performance. Our outcome indicators represent movement towards our longer-term goals and are trend based. They need to be viewed over the long term (multi-year) and often reflect the efforts of many actors, including MBIE. They provide information on whether the indicators are moving in the right direction. All outcome indicators are reported using the most up-to-date data available at the time of analysis.

Our output performance measures assess whether we have achieved specific services or functions that collectively support the overall achievement of our outcomes.

Results of our outcome and output measures can be found starting on page 41 of the PDF version of the annual report.

outcomes framework