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Annual report 2023/24 – Pūrongo ā-tau 2023/24
- Chief Executive’s introduction
- About MBIE
- Delivering services to people and business
- New Zealand's economic context
- Budget significant initiatives
Our outcomes
- Outcome 1: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions
- Outcome 2: Skilled people engaged in safe and productive work
- Outcome 3: Competitive markets with informed consumers and business
- Outcome 4: Strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources
- Outcome 5: Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections
- The way we work
Our people
On this page

Text description for graph – MBIE staff by ethnicity
MBIE staff by Ethnicity
Ethnicity | 30-Jun-24 | Percentage |
Asian | 1,511 | 23.5% |
European | 3,100 | 48.2% |
Māori | 525 | 8.2% |
MELAA | 210 | 3.3% |
Other Ethnicity | 523 | 8.1% |
Pacific Peoples | 607 | 9.4% |
Unknown | 716 | 11.1% |
Total staff | 6,430 |
Note: Employees are able to identify multiple ethnicities so the percentage total does not add up 100%
Text description for graph – Leadership by Ethnicity: Tiers 1 to3
Leadership by Ethnicity: Tiers 1 to 3
Ethnicity | 30-Jun-24 | Percentage |
Asian | 1 | 1.4% |
European | 52 | 73.2% |
Māori | 8 | 11.3% |
MELAA | 0 | 0.0% |
Other Ethnicity | 2 | 2.8% |
Pacific Peoples | 2 | 2.8% |
Unknown | 11 | 15.5% |
Total staff | 71 |
Note: Employees are able to identify multiple ethnicities so the percentage total does not add up 100%
Text description for infographic – MBIE staff by gender
MBIE staff by Gender
Gender | 30-Jun-24 | Percentage |
Another Gender/Unknown | 197 | 3.1% |
Female | 3,912 | 60.8% |
Male | 2,321 | 36.1% |
Total staff | 6,430 |
Text description for infographic – Leadership by gender: Tiers 1 to 3
MBIE leadership by Gender: Tiers 1 to 3
Gender | 30-Jun-24 | Percentage |
Another Gender/Unknown | 0 | 0.0% |
Female | 35 | 49.3% |
Male | 36 | 50.7% |
Total staff | 71 |
Text description for infographic -– People working at MBIE
6,430 (total headcount as at 30 June 2024) people working at MBIE (6,196.5 FTE)
- 2.2% of our people have disclosed a disability
- 14.6% of our people have worked at MBIE for 10+ years
- 65% of our people work in service delivery roles