2.14. Topic 11: Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 include obsolete provisions and definitions, and outdated references to documents and tools
Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 include obsolete provisions and definitions, and outdated references to documents and tools.
On this page
2.14.1. Reason for the change
MBIE has identified obsolete and outdated provisions, definitions and references to documents and tools in Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency for all housing, and buildings up to 300m2.
2.14.2. Proposed changes
The proposed changes involve amendments to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency for all housing, and buildings up to 300m2 to make these documents more user-friendly and reduce the risk of misinterpretations that can create uncertainty and inconsistency of compliance.
The proposed changes include:
- Removing obsolete provisions that enabled an extended transition for increased insulation requirements for housing from changes made in 2021 and 2022
- Removing references to the Annual Loss Factor (ALF) tool which has been withdrawn by BRANZ, and removing definitions associated with calculating the Building Performance Index (BPI) that were reliant on the ALF tool
- Updating references to the latest editions of the BRANZ House Insulation Guide, AS/NZS4859.1[1], and the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) tool
- Making other minor editorial changes to improve clarity and readability.
For more details of the proposed wording, please refer to Appendix A for H1/AS1 and Appendix B for H1/VM1.
Appendix A: Proposed changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 [PDF, 4.4 MB]
Appendix B: Proposed changes to Verification Method H1/VM1 [PDF, 3.3 MB]
2.14.3. Questions for the consultation Topic 11
11-1. Do you support amending Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 as proposed to make these documents more user-friendly and reduce the risk of misinterpretations that can create uncertainty and inconsistency of compliance?
- Yes, I support it.
- Yes, with changes.
- No, I don’t support it.
- Not sure/no preference.
11-2. Please explain your views.
2.14.4. Additional questions for Topics 4 to 11
SQ4. What impacts from the proposals for topics 4 to11 do you expect?
These may be economic/financial, environmental, health and wellbeing, or other areas.
SQ5. Is there any support that you or your business would need to implement the proposed changes for topics 4 to 11 if introduced?
If there are other issues MBIE should consider to better support consistency and certainty of compliance and consenting for insulation in housing and small buildings, please tell us.
[1]AS/NZS 4859.1:2018 Thermal insulation materials for buildings - Part 1: General criteria and technical provisions