3.12. Topic 20: For some mixed-use buildings it is unclear whether H1/AS1 and H1/VM1 can be used, or H1/AS2 and H1/VM2

Proposed change to provide clearer requirements for establishing which of the H1 acceptable solutions and verification methods apply for mixed-use buildings.

3.12.1.  Reason for the change

As discussed in subsection 2.11 above, with the current H1 acceptable solutions and verification methods it can be unclear which of these documents can be used for some mixed-use buildings. 

When deciding which H1 acceptable solution or verification method applies to the parts of a building that are not housing, it is unclear whether the floor area of building parts classified as housing, industrial or communal non-residential (assembly service) should be considered. This creates uncertainty and inconsistency of compliance.

3.12.2. Proposed change

The proposed change involves amendments to Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 and Verification Method H1/VM2 Energy Efficiency for buildings greater than 300m2 to provide clearer requirements for establishing which of the H1 acceptable solutions and verification methods apply for mixed-use buildings. Similar amendments are proposed for Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency for all housing, and buildings up to 300m2.

MBIE proposes that for mixed-use buildings, any parts classified as housing, industrial or communal non-residential (assembly service) are not considered when determining whether the area of the building is greater than 300m2.

For more details of the proposed wording, please refer to Appendix C for H1/AS2 and Appendix D for H1/VM2.

Appendix C: Proposed changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 [PDF, 4.3 MB]

Appendix D: Proposed changes to Verification Method H1/VM2 [PDF, 4 MB]

3.12.3. Questions for the consultation Topic 20

20-1. Do you support amending Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 and Verification Method H1/VM2 as proposed to improve certainty and consistency of compliance by providing clearer requirements for determining which compliance pathways can be used for a mixed-use building?

  • Yes, I support it.
  • Yes, with changes.
  • No, I don’t support it.
  • Not sure/no preference.

20-2. Please explain your views.