2.16. Transition period for housing and small buildings

Proposed transitional arrangements for Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1.

Effective date: Subject to consultation outcome

Transitional arrangements: 12 months 

It is proposed that the existing Acceptable Solutions and Verification Method will remain in force, as if not amended, for a period of 12 months from the date of publication (the proposed cessation date) as described in TABLE 2-4.

Table 2-4: Proposed transitional arrangements for Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1

Document Before ‘Publishing’ date

From ‘Publishing’ date (effective date) 

To 12 Months after ‘Publishing date’ (cessation date)

Existing Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 If used, will be treated as complying with the Building Code If used, will be treated as complying with the Building Code
Amended Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 Does not apply to Building Consents issued before this date If used, will be treated as complying with the Building Code Transition period for residential and small buildings H1/AS1 and H1/VM1

SQ7. Do you agree with the proposed transition time of 12 months for the proposed changes to take effect?

  • Yes, it is about right.
  • No, it should be longer (24 months or more).
  • No, it should be shorter (less than 12 months).
  • Not sure/no preference.