He tipu ka hua investment programme

The Government is investing up to $31m (excluding GST over 5 years in He tipu ka hua investment programme (formally He tipu ka hua investment fund). The funding is for Māori-led research programmes that generate new research outcomes and expand the capacity of Māori communities and researchers to harness the Science, Innovation, and Technology system (SI&T).

He tipu ka hua symbolises a commitment from the Crown to invest in growing and building Māori-led Science, Technology, and Innovation (SI&T). This fund is an incremental action in the pursuit of honouring Te Tiriti in SI&T by providing dedicated and effective investment in Māori-led SI&T, which has historically had low investment[1]. It prioritises investment in Māori-led SI&T, Māori communities, mātauranga Māori and kaupapa Māori.

[1] Government investment in Māori research, science and innovation MartinJenkins' report, commissioned by MBIE

The programme will advance iwi, hapū, hapori, and Māori rōpū SI&T priorities by growing and building on existing knowledge as well as investing in opportunities for knowledge generation which aims to deliver tangible results and benefits for Māori communities. It will also allow for stronger deployment of SI&T investment towards communities and rohe/takiwā where Māori knowledge is practiced, and where experts and practitioners are based.

The funding available

The total funding available over 5 years is up to $31m (excluding GST) in a one-off investment round. Funding is a 2-stage process and stage 2 has started with 3 successful applicants selected to develop implementation plans. Only successful applicants of stage 1 can move on to stage 2.

Stage 1 — Implementation plan development

A total of $900,000 (excluding GST) has been awarded to 3 projects to develop implementation plans over the next six months. 

Successful applicants of Stage 1 are:

Te Puna Ora o Mātaatua Charitable Trust 

Project name: Ngā Pua-Rauora o rehua
Project lead: Dr Chris Tooley
Contract term: 6 months
Contract amount: $300,000

Tū Tama Wāhine O Taranaki Incorporated 

Project name: He Kāhui Rangahau no Taranaki
Project lead: Co-led by Professor Leonie Pihama, Dr Will Edwards and Awhina Cameron
Contract term: 6 months
Contract amount: $300,000

The Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development

Project name: Kurawaka o Hine-Ahu-One: Sacred Sands of Hine-Ahu-One
Project lead: Associate Professor Marama Muru-Lanning
Contract term: 6 months
Contract amount: $300,000

Stage 2 — Delivery of research programme

A total of up to $6m (excluding GST) per year is available over 5 years to be split between the successful applicants of stage 1. Each successful applicant will receive a maximum of $2m (excluding GST) per year for up to 5 years.

Projects can be for less than $2m (excluding GST) per year and for a term less than 5 years.

How the funding can be used

What is fundable

  • Māori-directed and Māori-led science programmes in New Zealand and globally.
  • Research programmes with activities that:
    • are centred on pursuing opportunities that are a priority for Māori communities and reflect their aspirations
    • aim to deliver tangible results and benefits for Māori communities.
  • Projects that involve new activity in one or more of the following areas:
    • community-led research programmes or activities
    • enable the generation and application of Mātauranga Māori in SI&T
    • projects where there is some connection or relationship between the SI&T system and Mātauranga Māori
    • sharing of research outcomes and knowledge back to communities, national and global audiences
    • the application and implementation of research outcomes and activities for the benefit of Māori communities.
  • All reasonable costs directly associated with the project and may include:
    • personnel
    • travel
    • operational costs
    • subscriptions
    • tools/equipment and consumables

What is not fundable

  • Capital expenditure.
  • Research programmes that duplicate other funded activities.

Meeting the needs and aspirations of Māori

The He tipu ka hua programme is expected to give effect to Vision Mātauranga enabling the Government’s Tiriti obligations in science, technology, and innovation.

Vision Mātauranga

Key dates

Key activity Dates
Decisions on funding for implementation plans announced July 2024
Contracts begin for implementation plans 1 August 2024
Implementation plans due to MBIE 31 January 2025
Assessment Panel meeting for full project decisions May 2025
Decisions on full project funding announced By 31 May 2025
Contracts begin for delivery of research programmes 1 June 2025

Dates are subject to change. We will notify all date changes by email. To be added to the email notification list, email EIVM@mbie.govt.nz.

Assessment information

The following assessment information and process applies to implementation plans.

Conflicts of interest

Applicants should check the list of Assessment Panel members below for any potential conflicts of interest. If you identify an actual, potential, or perceived direct or indirect conflict of interest, you must notify us by emailing EIVM@mbie.govt.nz with the details for further discussion.

Conflicts of interest may occur on 2 different levels:

1. A direct conflict of interest, where an Assessor is:

  • directly involved with a proposal (as a participant, manager, mentor, or partner) or has a close personal relationship with the applicant, for example, family members, or
  • a collaborator or in some other way involved with an applicant’s proposal.

2. An indirect conflict of interest, where an Assessor:

  • is employed by an organisation involved in a proposal but is not part of the applicant’s proposal
  • has a personal and/or professional relationship with one of the applicants, e.g., an acquaintance
  • is assessing a proposal under discussion that may compete with their business interests.

Assessment Panel members

Assessment criteria

The Assessment Panel will assess implementation plans on each of the criteria below and score them score them from 1 (Low quality) to 7 (High quality).

Excellence Criteria: 50% weighting

  • Māori-leadership: To what extent is the research programme Māori-led and does the organisation have the capacity and capability to manage the research activity or activities.
  • Priorities that reflect the aspiration of Māori: To what extent does the proposed research reflect the interests and aspirations of a Māori community or communities.
  • Quality of the science: To what extent does the proposal embody an appropriate, sound, and rigorous research methodology and design.
  • Feasibility: To what extent is the project likely to be feasible and practical and likely to result in the intended impacts.

Impact Criteria: 50% weighting

  • Expanded capacity: To what extent will the project expand the capacity of Māori communities and researchers to harness science, technology, and innovation.
  • Benefits: To what extent will the project result in tangible benefits and results for Māori communities.

Assessment process

Assessment Panel members will:

  1. Accept/decline assigned proposals and declare any conflicts of interest.
  2. Assess and score the implementation plans against the assessment criteria below and provide comments (recorded in Pītau).
  3. Meet and discuss the implementation plans and hear applicant presentations.
  4. Reach a consensus about the implementation plans, feedback comments, and recommendations which will inform the Panel Chair's report.

The Panel Chair provides a report that includes funding recommendations to the Deputy Secretary, Labour, Science and Enterprise.

Funding decisions

The Deputy Secretary for Labour, Science and Enterprise at MBIE will make funding decisions based on Panel Chair’s report.

The decision and recommendations may also:

  • set special conditions in addition to the general terms and conditions set out in the Fund's funding agreement.
  • set precontract conditions.
  • make a variation to the proposed term of a proposal.
  • make a variation to the funding allocated from that proposed and require that the proposed implementation plan be negotiated to MBIE's satisfaction to reflect the changed funding.
  • decline to fund any proposals.

We will advise the successful proposal's contact person of the funding decision. The funding decision will be published on MBIE's website and via a press release.

Contracting and Payment

Successful applicants for stage 2 will enter into a funding agreement with and will be paid:

  • 50% of their allocated funding for year 1 on signing
  • Automatic quarterly payments for the remaining funding.

Reporting and monitoring

For implementation plans

Progress reporting will be through discussions with MBIE Investment Managers during the development of the implementation plans. The submission of the final proposal will be classed as a final report.

For the full projects (Stage 2)

For the full projects, the following reporting and monitoring applies:

  1. Progress reporting will involve written reports and oral (kanohi ki te kanohi or recorded) presentations.
  2. Regular meetings with MBIE to discuss the progress of the project in relation to the agreed work plan.
  3. Progress reports are due on an annual basis covering the period from the start date of the project to the last day of the month before the report is due.
  4. The final report is due no later than 1 month after the end of the project covering the period from the start date of the project to the end date of the project.
  5. Specific reporting guidelines will be supplied separately to successful applicants at the contracting stage.
  6. Reports will be submitted in our online portal and evaluated by MBIE taking into account other reporting by communities and/or discussions with the staff of the contract holder.
  7. Progress will be assessed annually so MBIE can determine what, if any, additional support is required by funded organisations.

Reporting content

Reports will require information on:

  • the status and progress towards delivery against the work programme defined in the implementation plan
  • the capability development, the development of people, and relationships
  • expenditure
  • mentoring arrangements
  • key achievements
  • emerging risks and what is being done to address them
  • whether or not the work programme has or will lead to the Fund outcomes.

Please provide reporting in a format suitable for sharing with Māori hapū, iwi and hapori.

The reporting guidelines will:

  • provide guidance about the key impact measures that funded organisations should report against
  • encourage the providing of information about the cultural, economic, environmental, and societal impacts of the projects
  • encourage communities to report using methods that are appropriate to them.


Email: Application queries: EIVM@mbie.govt.nz

Phone: 0800 693 778 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)

Last updated: 25 November 2024