New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance 2024 Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals has now closed for joint research partnerships between New Zealand and Chinese research organisations.
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About this opportunity
The New Zealand – China Strategic Research Alliance (SRA) is an annual joint funding programme funded by the Catalyst Strategic Fund. It is a bilateral initiative between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST).
This opportunity is open to New Zealand research organisations for projects that align with the objective of developing enduring science and innovation collaborative partnerships with world-class Chinese research organisations on topics important to both countries. Activities must significantly broaden and deepen collaborative research partnerships between China and New Zealand.
The funding available
MBIE has made up to $1.2M (excluding GST) in total over three years available for investment in joint research partnerships between New Zealand and China that cannot be supported through existing funding.
MBIE and MoST have agreed to support four projects through this funding round, two in each priority area of Food Science and Environmental Science. Up to $300,000 (excluding GST) over three years is available for the New Zealand research partners of each successful project.
Chinese partners must apply for their own funding through MoST.
A separate call and subsequent assessment process will be administered by the Health Research Council (HRC) on behalf of MBIE in the third priority area: Health and Biomedical Science. Please contact the HRC directly regarding this process.
Funding opportunities(external link) — Health Research Council
Investment objectives
Catalyst: Strategic funds strategic research and large-scale pre-research collaborations with priority partners and in targeted areas that cannot be supported through other means.
The objectives of Catalyst: Strategic Investment fund are to:
- Leverage international research infrastructure and capabilities in areas posing significant science-based challenges to New Zealand and our international partners
- Profile New Zealand science and innovation, and our ability to contribute to global science challenges.
Investment outcomes
The Catalyst: Strategic Investment fund seeks to achieve the following outcomes:
- Targeted international partnerships to maximise the impact and quality of New Zealand science and innovation
- Emerging international science cooperation opportunities are pursued and advanced to deliver benefits to New Zealand
- International science and innovation leveraged in key areas, delivering benefits to New Zealand at a faster pace, of better quality or of greater impact than can otherwise be achieved.
Investment priorities
The proposed projects must align with one of the two priority research areas which are Food Science and Environmental Science. Further sub-areas for these priority areas are listed below.
Food science
- Animal and plant biotechnology
- Alternative proteins
- Biological hazards
- Chemical hazards
- Labelling and consumer information
- Production, processing, and handling
Environmental science
- Clean and renewable energy
- Climate change
- Biodiversity
- Water research (including ocean research)
- Natural hazards
- Pollution on land and sea
Who can apply
For a proposal to be assessed it must meet the eligibility criteria set out below. Proposals that do not meet all of these criteria will be declined for funding on eligibility grounds.
- The proposal must be made by a New Zealand-based research organisation or a New Zealand-based legal entity representing a New Zealand-based research organization.
- The Science Leader must be employed by a New Zealand-based research organisation, or a New Zealand- based legal entity representing a New Zealand-based research organization.
- The proposal must involve collaboration from a Chinese research organisation (your Chinese partners must apply for their own funding through MoST).
- The proposal must not be made by a department of the public service as listed in Schedule 2 of the Public Service Act 2020.
- Proposals must not benefit a Russian state institution (including but not limited to support for Russian military or security activity) or an organisation outside government that may be perceived as contributing to the war effort.
- Proposals must be uploaded by the closing date for proposals 12 noon, 12 July 2024 in the MBIE Portal and meet the administrative requirements of MBIE.
Proposals which also involve world class partners from other countries will be accepted, where these demonstrate the potential for increased excellence and impact beyond what is achievable through a New Zealand and Chinese partnership alone. Proposals which involve private sector partners are also eligible.
This fund has received a high number of applications in recent years, with typical success rates of five to seven per cent. Before deciding to submit an application, we encourage applicants to carefully consider the alignment to the objectives and likelihood of a proposal achieving the intended outcomes.
How the funding can be used
What is fundable
Reasonable expenses directly related with the project and include:
Research activity expenses for
- consumables and other research expenses
- personnel
- contributions to pro-rated salaries
Research exchange expenses for:
- flights/transport
- accommodation
- travel visas and travel insurance
- meals
Travel costs should not exceed 25% of the budget. All expenditure by individuals should adhere to the rules of the organisation they are affiliated with.
What is not fundable
Expenses not directly related with the project and include:
- any capital expenditure (unless otherwise agreed with MBIE)
- dealing with accidents or disasters during the term of the contract
- alcohol
- expenses unrelated to the delivery of the contract.
The Catalyst Fund supports activities that initiate, develop and foster collaborations which take advantage of international science and innovation for New Zealand’s benefit.
Key dates
Date | Activity |
20 May 2024 | MBIE Portal Pītau opens for proposals |
12 July 2024 (12 noon) | Closing date for proposals |
March 2025 | MoST provide MBIE with stage-one shortlist of proposals |
March 2025 | Assignment of proposals to Assessors |
March - April 2025 | Assessment period |
Early May 2025 | Assessor panel meeting |
May 2025 | MBIE and MoST agree final funding decisions |
May/June 2025 | Investment funding decisions announced |
June 2025 | Contracting period |
July 2025 | Contracts expected to start |
Dates are subject to change.
Note: MoST has a 2-step evaluation process which may mean delays to the final decisions and contract start dates.
If dates change, we’ll let you know by email. To be added to the email list, email
You can also subscribe to our Alert e-newsletter.
Assessment information
Once you’ve submitted your proposal, this is the assessment process:
- MBIE and MoST review applications to ensure they meet their respective eligibility criteria.
- MoST complete stage-one assessment of eligible proposals and confirm which applications will be shortlisted for their second-stage assessment.
- New Zealand applications that do not have a shortlisted Chinese partner application will not be assessed.
- MBIE appointed Independent Assessors review the corresponding New Zealand proposals shortlisted by MoST through their Stage One assessment. Shortlisted proposals are assessed against the assessment criteria and, where relevant the Vision Mātauranga Policy. Assessor scores and comments are entered into Pītau.
- MBIE appointed Independent Assessors attend an Assessment Panel meeting where the preliminary scores and comments are reviewed, scored, and ranked. The Panel reach a consensus about the preferred proposals, feedback comments, and recommendations which will inform the Panel Chair's report.
- MoST conducts the second-stage assessment for Chinese applicants.
- MBIE and MoST each compile a list of proposals recommended for funding. MBIE’s shortlist is informed by the recommendations in the Panel Chair’s report.
- MBIE and MoST compare the lists of recommended proposals and agree which projects should be funded. Where proposals have been ranked differently, MBIE and MoST will negotiate to agree which teams receive funding.
- The General Manager, Science System Investment and Performance will make the final funding decisions based on Panel Chair’s report and the outcomes of discussions with MoST.
- MBIE will notify applicants of the final funding decision and provide general feedback to all applicants on request.
Conflicts of interest
You must also notify us if you identify an actual, potential, or perceived direct or indirect conflict of interest, after the application closing date and before the final funding decision date.
Check the list of assessors below to help identify any conflicts.
Conflicts of interest may occur on 2 different levels:
1. A direct conflict of interest, where an Assessor is:
- directly involved with a proposal (as a participant, manager, mentor, or partner) or has a close personal relationship with the applicant, for example, family members
- a collaborator or in some other way involved with an applicant’s proposal.
2. An indirect conflict of interest, where an Assessor:
- is employed by an organisation involved in a proposal but is not part of the applicant’s proposal
- has a personal and/or professional relationship with one of the applicants, e.g., an acquaintance
- is assessing a proposal under discussion that may compete with their business interests.
Dr David Penman, Independent consultant
Frances Sullivan, Taituarā
Dr Ian Fergusson, Independent consultant
Emeritus Professor Janis Swan, University of Waikato
Jane Lancaster, Puro New Zealand Limited
Dr Mike Boland, Riddet Institue
Professor Nanthi Bolan, University of Western Australia
Dr Rob Whitney, IRANZ
The assessment criteria
Assessors will assess proposals on each of the criteria (below) and them score them from 1 (Low quality) to 7 (High quality).
Excellence: 40% weighting
Will the activity lead to the creation of new knowledge through high quality research?
The Assessors will consider to what extent the proposal:
- will lead to the creation of new knowledge which is of the highest calibre, and that will have national and international scientific impact and recognition
- utilises applicable scientific and technological principles, including a well-designed research plan and a credible approach to managing risk, that will enable delivery of the proposed research aims
- is ambitious in terms of scientific risk, novelty and/or innovative approaches, and leverages state-of the-art knowledge and facilities
- is led by world-class science leaders or potential future leaders, with the skills, knowledge and resources to deliver the proposed activities and to manage risk
- explains the science and innovation opportunities and contributions of Māori knowledge, people and resources for the benefit of all New Zealand
Connections: 30% weighting
Will the proposed activity establish an enduring collaboration with world class international collaborators?
The Assessors will consider to what extent the:
- New Zealand research team and its proposed international partners have excellent track records of collaborating with other institutions and delivering research results
- proposed partners offer highly complementary, world-class expertise, knowledge, capabilities and resources, building a high-performing and connected research team
- research team and its partner have outstanding capabilities and capacity to build and manage a substantive international partnership and fully realise the stated international opportunities
- research team and its partners have outstanding and comprehensive capabilities including scientific and other resourcing, and supporting infrastructure, to deliver the proposed activities
- proposed project will give effect to Vision Mātauranga policy, creating connections with and for Māori in a genuine and meaningful way.
Impact: 30% weighting
Will the project deliver benefit aligned to the wider economic, social and environmental goals of New Zealand?
The Assessors will consider to what extent the:
- proposal has a strong line of sight to expected benefits that are of national and global significance, where the analysis supporting the estimates of benefits and uncertainty is excellent
- New Zealand and international partners have excellent records of engagement with end-users, with the potential to bring together New Zealand research capabilities
- proposal identifies opportunities and needs that are important/relevant to New Zealand and connected to multiple end-users or end-user research sectors
- project has potential to support a pipeline of research/knowledge transfer within the wider science systems to build long-term capability and enable the development of new ideas/applications
- proposed research gives effect to Vision Mātauranga policy, including benefits to Māori (iwi, communities/groups, and/or businesses).
Other assessment criteria
When assessing proposals against the assessment criteria, MBIE will also take the following factors into account, including the extent to which the overall mix of investments:
- are likely to achieve the objectives of this opportunity
- are likely to support the Vision Mātauranga policy
- doesn’t overlap with similar projects already being funded
- will minimise the risk that applicants do not have the capacity to complete the research project because of existing commitments to other research projects.
Funding decisions
The General Manager, Science System Investment and Performance at MBIE will make funding decisions based on Panel Chair’s report and the outcomes of discussions with MoST.
The decision and recommendations may also:
- set pre-contract conditions which must be met before the investment is contracted
- set special conditions in addition to the general terms and conditions set out in the Funding contract
- vary the proposed term of a proposal
- vary the funding allocated from what is proposed and require critical performance indicators to be renegotiated to MBIE’s satisfaction to reflect the changed funding.
We will advise the successful proposal's contact person of the funding decision by email. The funding decision will be announced by press release and published on MBIE's website.
Contracting, reporting, and monitoring
Successful applicants will enter into a funding contract (see key documents section above for the template) with MBIE subject to any special conditions being met.
The contract holder must manage the approved funding to ensure delivery of the contracted project.
Subject to specific contract conditions, funding will be provided in 6 instalments of equal value as follows:
- First payment: made on the next available payment date after the contract has been signed by both parties.
- Subsequent payment: made every 6 months.
Reporting and monitoring
Successful applicants will need to provide annual reports and a final report in Pītau.
Annual report
The Annual Report will include progress against the objectives and KPIs identified in the work programme and details of any emerging risks and what is being done to address them.
Final report
Required at the end of the project and will include commentary on the overall project outcomes, including key achievements, the steps taken and, where applicable, the changes made to your approach.
Application queries:
0800 693 778 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)