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Science and technology
Science and innovation
Funding information and opportunities
Investment funds
PreSeed Accelerator Fund
Auckland Uniservices Limited
Investment funds
- Commercialisation Partner Network
- Catalyst Fund
- COVID-19 Innovation Acceleration Fund
- Curious Minds
- Endeavour Fund
- Envirolink Scheme
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Capability Fund
- Extreme weather science response
- He whakawhānui i te pāpātanga o Vision Mātauranga – mahere haumi 2023
- Expanding the Impact of Vision Mātauranga – 2023 investment plan
- MBIE Science Whitinga Fellowship
- National Science Challenges
- Partnerships
- PreSeed Accelerator Fund
- Strategic Science Investment Fund
- Regional Research Institutes Initiative
- Who got funded
- Te Tahua Whakakaha o Te Pūnaha Hihiko
- Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund
Auckland Uniservices Limited
In the 2019 PreSeed Accelerator Fund investment round, Auckland Uniservices Limited was approved for funding of $5,000,000 (excluding GST) over 2 years. This page has the public statement from our contract with Auckland Uniservices Limited.
On this page
Auckland UniServices Limited is the commercial research, knowledge transfer and custom education company of the University of Auckland - dedicated to connecting the University's capabilities to business and investors, Government and the community. It is the manager of the University of Auckland's seed fund, the University of Auckland Inventors' Fund, a $20 million fund dedicated to investing in technology and start-ups developed by the staff and students of the University. It works with private sector companies and investors to turn this IP into new products and services and co-invests in the development of new spin-out companies. It has a significant global reputation and is the largest organsiation of its size in Australasia. It creates appoximately ten new high-technology companies per annum.
It invests around $3m per year through its University of Auckland Inventors Fund. This application for Pre-Seed Accelerator Funding will enable an acceleration in the development of new high value export products and companies emerging in New Zealand and the creation of new high paying jobs from tax-payer funded research.