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Regional Research Institutes Initiative
New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research
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New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research
New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research are contracted by MBIE for $11 million excluding GST over 5 years to undertake research that shifts activities from mining of minerals to manufacturing from minerals.
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MBIE funding details
Successful in their application for Regional Research Institute (RRI) funding in the 2016 call for applications, New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research received $11 million (excl GST) for the establishment of a West Coast-based Research Institute to drive a step change in value and thinking in use of New Zealand’s mineral resources over a 5 year period from October 2017 to December 2022.
About the research
New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research have been contracted to undertake research that shifts activities from mining of minerals to manufacturing from minerals. Initial research areas include Rare Earth Elements and Carbon. Below is the public statement from our contract with the New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research.
Read the public statement
The New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) will drive a step change in value and thinking in use of New Zealand's mineral resources, which currently generate $3B p.a., with $400M p.a. of this from the West Coast of the South Island. NZIMMR will substantially increase the prosperity of the West Coast region and New Zealand, through moving the focus of activities from mining of minerals to manufacturing from minerals. The potential for value add can be demonstrated with the mineral scheelite, currently unused but accumulating in mine tailings piles. Export of unprocessed scheelite might generate $56M export revenue p.a. and GDP impact of $50M p.a. However, export refined tungsten and manufactured products could generate $337M and $555M GDP impact p.a. and create 1600 new jobs.
The NZIMMR will carry out research projects which, in the first instance, will be in three areas defined as priorities by the Establishment Group in consultation with industry and on the basis of the overarching principles driving the NZIMMR which are:
- Need-driven minerals to materials development.
- Add value at every stage in the minerals to materials to products value chain.
- Mine once, mine completely - accessing multiple minerals in resources.
- Drive connections, engagement and open innovation across the value chain to achieve economies of scale and innovations that unlock market opportunities.
- Kaitakitanga - incorporating environmental awareness into all activities of the NZIMMR.
Initial research areas:
- Rare Earth Elements (REE) - focussing on purification and development of materials for use in magnets and lasers in building on the presence of multiple REE in NZ mineral deposits.
- Tungsten - focussing on extraction of tungsten concentrate from gold mining waste material and on development of metal powders.
- Carbon - focussing on carbon foams as a high value added product to which NZ coals are well suited.
Annual updates
Recipients of RRI funding are required to report yearly on the progress of their work programme. Below are the public updates from the New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research’s annual reports.
Read the public statement from the end of contract report
The New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) continues its mission to substantially increase the prosperity of the West Coast region and New Zealand, through identifying opportunities and developing technologies to produce value-added materials from New Zealand’s mineral estate rather than focusing on the export of raw minerals. NZIMMR is able to do this beyond the MBIE RRI contract due to the varied portfolio of commercial and research and development opportunities it has built. This provides a solid base to launch from as NZIMMR explores the next stages of its development projects.
NZIMMR is undertaking research and commercial work focused on creating new industries that will benefit the West Coast and New Zealand through creating value with our industry partners by finding pathways to move minerals up the value chain. NZIMMR continues to strengthen relationships with iwi, industry, research collaborators, government, Development West Coast and end users to advance its mission.
NZIMMR work in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, which is fundamental to the organisation from top to bottom. This partnership is strengthened by enhanced cultural work NZIMMR is undertaking and working to co-create projects from the outset with mana whenua. The pounamu project funded via MBIE Vision Matauranga funding is a great example of this partnership. This relationship will assist NZIMMR to create similar partnerships with iwi outside of Tai Poutinu.
NZIMMR has undertaken structural change over the duration of the contract to align with a revised strategy that is focused on undertaking research to shift minerals up the value chain and ensure it is financially sustainable beyond the MBIE RRI contract. NZIMMR has undertaken conservative forecasting work that shows it is financially sustainable post the MBIE contract and will continue to grow its revenue streams to ensure this continues. It has undertaken commercial lab work for gold, coal and mineral sand mining companies in its Waimatuku laboratories. NZIMMR will play a pivotal role in the future and is aligned with the Development West Coast Te Whanaketanga West Coast Economic Development Strategy 2050 and the government’s signals in the Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways consultation MBIE recently consulted on.
In 2021/22 NZIMMR acquired the professional services arm of the company Tai Poutini Resources Ltd, which it was a minor shareholder previously. The investment provides a shareholder return in the future, overhead reduction and strong links into the industry it works with. NZIMMR has also commenced a new commercial partnership with DWC and Arahura Holdings Ltd to create a new innovative value add to the gold sector in New Zealand.
NZIMMR has undertaken commercial work and formed partnerships with mineral sand companies on the West Coast. The work NZIMMR is undertaking in this space has the potential to add significant value to the sector and meet the NZIMMR KPI’s and objectives relating to investment in the region from the research work it undertakes. The research NZIMMR is undertaking in this area has the potential to create a new industry in New Zealand and fits the government direction in green mineral exploration and aligns with critical minerals required for the future economy.
Both the advanced carbon and advanced mineral recovery research NZIMMR is undertaking is focused on NZIMMR’s original overarching principles:
- Need-driven minerals to materials development.
- Add value at every stage in the minerals to materials to products value chain.
- Mine once, mine completely - accessing multiple minerals in resources.
- Drive connections, engagement and open innovation across the value chain to achieve economies of scale and innovations that unlock market opportunities.
- Kaitiakitanga - incorporating environmental awareness into all activities of the NZIMMR.
NZIMMR expects in 2022/23 to convert its internal research projects into commercially viable opportunities. Its work relating to fine gold recovery, coal to carbon advanced carbon products for the future economy, advanced mineral recovery, rare earth element separation work and further opportunities with pounamu in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae are clear focus areas to be advanced. NZIMMR is also connecting with end users and companies to drive innovative products for the future economy.
NZIMMR has made good progress to meeting the KPI’s set in the MBIE contract with a particular focus on enhancing its Vision Matauranga objectives, adding capacity and capability into the New Zealand science system through impact and creating enhanced economic activity and investment on the back of its research and other activity. NZIMMR has 3 FTE staff working in its research team 2 with PhD level qualifications. This is complimented by our technical staff who undertake research and development work for clients.
NZIMMR is appreciative of the support that iwi, industry, and others have provided to it. In particular Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, Development West Coast, Birchfield Coal Ltd, Westland Minerals Sands Co. Ltd, TIGA Minerals and so many others.
NZIMMR Progress and Key Achievements
Science Excellence
The past year has seen a focus on establishing long-term research collaborations with leading domestic and international organisations to provide a framework for sustaining and enhancing the scientific capabilities that have been established within NZIMMR. In 2021/22 NZIMMR confirmed a revised research and development strategy with a well balanced portfolio of projects that underpin the strategy. The strategy and portfolio of projects were recently review by the NZIMMR external science advisory panel, who confirmed that the strategy and portfolio of projects was well balanced and had a good chance of success in the future.
Between 1 July and 31 December NZIMMR staff were involved in the publications below as well as the projects that underpin the strategy:
"Book chapter (Ray S):
- Microwave-assisted conversion of coal and biomass to activated carbon. In: Ray Chowdhury S and Pujari PK (ed) Radiation Technologies and Applications in Materials Science, Chapter 3, p59-98, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. CRC Press, December 2022, ISBN: 978-1-0323-4395-2. Figure 2 from the book chapter is selected on the book cover page. conversion-coal-biomass-activated-carbon-sudip-ray
International journals (co-authored publications by Ray S)
Published and in-press:
- Photocatalytic and protective thin films for enhanced self-cleaning activity and durability of painted steel roofings, ChemistrySelect, (in the press, ETA February 2023).
- Remediation of Fouling on Painted Steel Roofing via Solar Energy Assisted Photocatalytic Self- Cleaning Technology: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, Advanced Engineering Materials, July 2022, 24(7), 2101486.
- Cytocompatible, soft and thick brush-modified scaffolds with prolonged antibacterial effect to mitigate wound Biomaterials Science, July 2022, 10 (14), 3856-3877.
Under review:
- Dual-crosslinked magnetic hydrogel with programmed release of PTH promotes bone healing. Composites Part B.
- Unraveling the deterministic effect of the solid-state diffusion energy barrier for charge carrier on the self-discharge of supercapacitors. ACS Energy Letters.
In progress:
- Heterogeneous catalysts for mineralisation of the Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – a literature review.
- The mineralisation mechanism and active site of a short chain perfluorosulfonic acid on gallium oxide: A density functional theory study.
- Reconsidering the thermal spike towards energetic deposition using coupled classical oscillators.
- Phase separation of Cu/C nanocrystalline-amorphous composites by energetic deposition."
Dr Quang Anh Dang will complete the Vision Matauranga pounamu paper with University of Canterbury that will be published in 2022/23.
NZIMMR has completed commercial mineral separation work focussed on monazite separation. It is collaborating with industry and University of Canterbury to research rare earth element separation using green technology. This builds on the research and development work NZIMMR have undertaken and is informing investment decisions in relation to processing in New Zealand. This work also has the potential for New Zealand to develop enhanced sovereign capacity and work alongside its five eyes partners as other countries like Australia, United States of America and Canada move in this direction to avoid geopolitical issues from China supplying approximately 99% of the world’s supply of rare earth elements. This is a significant geopolitical issue for the near future that NZIMMR is contributing through its research and development work and assisting NZPM to develop a critical minerals list for New Zealand. NZIMMR has completed the first stage work on this utilising a masters student, which will follow through to the next stage utilising a Masters/PhD student.
These workstreams flow into the uptake of technology NZIMMR creates and the ability through track record to win contestable funding rounds in 2022/23 and beyond.
Science Impact
Minerals industry acceptance of NZIMMR as an organisation that can provide leading technical expertise directly applicable to the industry is highlighted by relationships with Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio, Development West Coast, Ngāi Tahu, Minerals West Coast, Waikaia Gold, Straterra, TIGA Minerals, Hardie Pacific, TENRAG, Nano Layr, Birchfield Ross Gold Mining, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae , University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, ESR, Scion, Birchfield Coal Ltd, Francis Mining Ltd, Bathurst Resources Ltd, various gold mining companies, Westland Mineral Sands Co Ltd and a number of small to medium scale alluvial gold mining companies to engage with.
NZIMMR is able to work closely with mana whenua and industry to create opportunities for research and development work and connect our academic and other partners into to have genuine positive impact.
Projects undertaken by NZIMMR are selected for their potential to significantly impact the communities and economy of the West Coast and New Zealand as a whole. The projects NZIMMR is working on is covered in the above section and is leading to step change in the various parts of the sector we work across.
Capability Development
Research and Development Engineer, Dr Quang Anh Dang holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from Vietnam National University, a master’s degree in chemical engineering from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, and a PhD in chemical engineering from University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His research interests lay in process engineering, system design, control, and optimization. He also has in-depth knowledge of analytical chemistry with experience in performing chemical analysis using specialized equipment and analytical techniques. At the NZIMMR, Quang is researching advanced applications from New Zealand mineral resources and bringing high- impact and novel solutions to fruition. Quang has obtained adjunct status at the University of Canterbury.
Principal Scientist, Dr Sudip Ray Sudip joined NZIMMR in May 2021 in the position of Principal Scientist. He is a Materials Scientist, with extensive experience in both academic and commercial projects. He has been a lead researcher at The University of Auckland, New Zealand, for 15 years, Project Director for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment funded multidisciplinary research program and Principal Investigator for research and consultancy projects for the industries, co-funded by Callaghan Innovation. He served as a working group member of the University's international strategy and sustainability initiatives and a grant reviewer for the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Prior to this, he had worked at DuPont, Switzerland as well as on R&D projects at The University of New South Wales, Australia. He was the recipient of the International Central Networks and Partnerships Grant and undertook strategic collaboration with research-led organizations. His research focuses on a broad range of materials development following sustainability principles and application of nanotechnology. His research aims at circular economy, advanced carbon materials, rethinking plastics, surface chemistry and valorization of bioderived materials.
In addition to the internal researchers on staff NZIMMR continues to work with Dr Aaron Marshall from the University of Canterbury for 0.2FTE to work alongside NZIMMR on projects and provide his thought leadership and other benefits to NZIMMR.
NZIMMR has an experienced metallurgist in Thomas Trott on staff and has taken on a new technician and will look to provide further opportunities in this space as the advanced mineral recovery and gold work expands.
Vision Mātauranga
NZIMMR recently completed work funded by the Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae to repurpose pounamu carving residue. One of the objectives was to see if whether the aesthetics of pounamu residue can be restored in addition to restoring its mana (prestige) and mauri (essence). This proposal acknowledges the true value of te ao Māori and its Mātauranga and will help to develop scientific capacity and connection for our Māori partners. It also acknowledges the commitment that NZIMMR has towards its vision Mātauranga strategy. NZIMMR completed this work and submitted the final report to MBIE in June 2022. NZIMMR will complete a paper to support this work and work with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae on what the next steps could be.
NZIIMR has continued to actively develop Vision Mātauranga as an inherent part of our activities as exemplified by the following:
- NZIMMR works in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, whose Kaiwhakahaere Francois Tumahai is on the NZIMMR board.
- Undertaking regular cultural immersion and hui with local mana whenua to allow our science team exposure to Vision Matauranga to ensure our projects are developed in partnership.
NZIMMR is served well by an experienced board that is well balanced and focussed on achieving NZIMMR’s strategy and objectives to add value to the West Coast and New Zealand through its research. The board has a good mix of industry, iwi, research and commercial experience and connections. The current board is John Cunningham (Chair), Francois Tumahai, Jane Bell, and Iain Hosie. Iain Hosie is a new director appointment who brings significant experience in the area NZIMMR works in from his various roles and as founder on Nano Layr.
Read the public update from the 2021/22 annual report
The New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) continues its mission to substantially increase the prosperity of the West Coast region and New Zealand, through identifying opportunities and developing technologies to produce value-added materials from New Zealand’s mineral estate rather than focusing on the export of raw minerals.
NZIMMR is undertaking research and commercial work focused on creating new industries that will benefit the West Coast and New Zealand through creating value with our industry partners by finding pathways to move minerals up the value chain. In 2021/22 NZIMMR strengthened relationships with iwi, industry, research collaborators, government, Development West Coast and end users to advance its mission.
NZIMMR works in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, which is fundamental to the organisation from top to bottom. This partnership is strengthened by enhanced cultural work NZIMMR is undertaking and working to co-create projects from the outset with mana whenua. The pounamu project funded via MBIE’s Vision Matauranga Capability Fund is a great example of this partnership. This relationship will assist NZIMMR to create similar partnerships with iwi outside of Tai Poutinu.
In 2021/22 NZIMMR underwent further structural change to align with a revised strategy that is focused on undertaking research to shift minerals up the value chain and ensure it is financially sustainable beyond the MBIE Regional Research Institute contract. NZIMMR has undertaken conservative forecasting work that shows it will be financially sustainable post the MBIE contract and will continue to grow its revenue streams to ensure this continues. It has undertaken commercial lab work for gold, coal and mineral sand mining companies in its Waimatuku laboratories. NZIMMR will play a pivotal role in the future and is aligned with the Development West Coast Te Whanaketanga West Coast Economic Development Strategy 2050 and the government’s signals in the Te Ara Paerangi - Future Pathways consultation MBIE recently consulted on.
In 2021/22 NZIMMR acquired the professional services arm of the company Tai Poutini Resources Ltd, which it was a minor shareholder previously. The investment provides a shareholder return in the future, overhead reduction and strong links into the industry it works with. NZIMMR has also commenced a new commercial partnership with DWC and Arahura Holdings Ltd to create a new innovative value add to the gold sector in New Zealand. This will be up and running in October/November 2022.
NZIMMR has undertaken commercial work and formed partnerships with mineral sand companies on the West Coast. The work NZIMMR is undertaking in this space has the potential to add significant value to the sector and meet the NZIMMR KPIs and objectives relating to investment in the region from the research work it undertakes. The research NZIMMR is undertaking in this area has the potential to create a new industry in New Zealand and fits the government direction in green mineral exploration and aligns with critical minerals required for the future economy.
Both the advanced carbon and advanced mineral recovery research NZIMMR is undertaking is focused on NZIMMR’s original overarching principles:
- Need-driven minerals to materials development.
- Add value at every stage in the minerals to materials to products value chain.
- Mine once, mine completely - accessing multiple minerals in resources.
- Drive connections, engagement and open innovation across the value chain to achieve economies of scale and innovations that unlock market opportunities.
- Kaitiakitanga - incorporating environmental awareness into all activities of the NZIMMR.
NZIMMR expects in 2022/23 to convert its internal research projects into commercially viable opportunities. Its work relating to fine gold recovery, coal to carbon advanced carbon products for the future economy, advanced mineral recovery, rare earth element separation work and further opportunities with pounamu in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae are clear focus areas to be advanced. NZIMMR is also connecting with end users and companies to drive innovative products for the future economy.
NZIMMR has made good progress to meeting the KPIs set in the MBIE contract with a particular focus on enhancing its Vision Matauranga objectives, adding capacity and capability into the New Zealand science system through impact and creating enhanced economic activity and investment on the back of its research and other activity. NZIMMR has 4 FTE staff working in its research team, 3 with PhD level qualifications and an intern in the pounamu project. This is complimented by our technical staff who undertake research and development work for clients.
NZIMMR is appreciative of the support that iwi, industry, and others have provided to it. In particular Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, Development West Coast, Birchfield Coal Ltd, Westland Minerals Sands Co. Ltd, TIGA Minerals and so many others.
Read the public update from the 2020/21 annual report
The New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) continues its mission to substantially increase the prosperity of the West Coast region and New Zealand, through identifying opportunities and developing technologies to produce value-added materials from New Zealand’s mineral estate rather than focusing on the export of raw minerals.
NZIMMR is undertaking research and commercial work focused on creating new industries that will benefit the West Coast and New Zealand through creating value with our industry partners by finding pathways to move minerals up the value chain. In 2020/21 NZIMMR strengthened relationships with iwi, industry, research collaborators, government, Development West Coast and end users to advance its mission.
NZIMMR continue to work in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, which is fundamental to the organisation from top to bottom. This partnership is strengthened by enhanced cultural work NZIMMR is undertaking and working to co-create projects from the outset with mana whenua. The pounamu project funded via MBIE Vision Matauranga funding is a great example of this partnership. This relationship will assist NZIMMR to create similar partnerships with iwi outside of Tai Poutinu.
In 2020/21 NZIMMR underwent structural change to align with a revised strategy that is focused on undertaking research to shift minerals up the value chain and ensure it is financially sustainable as the original contract with MBIE closes in June 2022. NZIMMR has undertaken conservative forecasting work that shows it will be financially sustainable post the MBIE contract and will continue to grow its revenue streams to ensure this continues. It has undertaken commercial lab work for gold, coal and mineral sand mining companies in its Waimatuku laboratories. NZIMMR has MOU’s and NDA’s with several companies with a focus of converting these to commercially viable opportunities moving forward.
In 2020/21 NZIMMR invested in a small shareholding in a West Coast owned gold buying and mining professional services company Tai Poutini Resources Ltd. The investment was three-fold and provides a shareholder return in the future, overhead reduction through sharing resources and strong links into the companies Tai Poutini Resources Ltd interacts with through its gold buying and professional services team. This partnership has led to enhanced research and commercial opportunities with the gold mining industry in particular.
In March 2021 NZIMMR submitted an Endeavour funding application for an advanced carbon project titled Responding to the Climate Emergency: reengineering carbon for industry transformation. The total application was for $10.5M (excluding GST) and aimed to support value-add and high-tech transformation of current commodity materials and transformation of an entire industry and the supply chain that it supports. The research programme focussed on emerging carbon-based technologies to produce new products: next generation batteries, water purification technologies, low-cost and high-performance construction materials, composites for sailing boats, aircraft, and rockets, and components for hydrogen production and storage. These technologies rely on the ability for carbon to be reengineered in repeatable ways at scale. The NZIMMR led bid comprised research collaborators from the Universities of Auckland and Canterbury, Verum, GNS and international collaborators. The bid received support from iwi leaders, local government leaders and members of parliament in the West Coast region, all the major coal companies, end users, Development West Coast, and industry groups. Although unsuccessful, through the bid preparation process NZIMMR built a significant programme of work and opportunities it is now pursuing at pace, which may see it make a revised application funding bid whilst pursuing other related opportunities at pace.
NZIMMR has undertaken commercial work and formed partnerships with mineral sand companies on the West Coast. The work NZIMMR is undertaking in this space has the potential to add significant value to the sector and meet the NZIMMR KPI’s and objectives relating to investment in the region from the research work it undertakes. The research NZIMMR is undertaking in this area has the potential to create a new industry in New Zealand and fits the government direction in green mineral exploration and aligns with critical minerals required for the future economy.
Both the advanced carbon and advanced mineral recovery research NZIMMR is undertaking is focused on NZIMMR’s original overarching principles:
- Need-driven minerals to materials development.
- Add value at every stage in the minerals to materials to products value chain.
- Mine once, mine completely - accessing multiple minerals in resources.
- Drive connections, engagement and open innovation across the value chain to achieve economies of scale and innovations that unlock market opportunities.
- Kaitiakitanga - incorporating environmental awareness into all activities of the NZIMMR.
NZIMMR expects in 2021/22 to convert its internal research projects into commercially viable opportunities. Its work relating to fine gold recovery, coal to carbon advanced carbon products for the future economy, advanced mineral recovery, rare earth element separation work and further opportunities with pounamu in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae are clear focus areas to be advanced. NZIMMR is also connecting with end users and companies to drive innovative products for the future economy.
NZIMMR is well on its way to meeting the KPI’s set in the MBIE contract with a particular focus on enhancing its Vision Matauranga objectives, adding capacity and capability into the New Zealand science system through impact and creating enhanced economic activity and investment on the back of its research and other activity. NZIMMR has 4 FTE staff working in its research team 3 with PhD level qualifications. This is complimented by a further 0.4 FTE PhD via 2 external researchers contracted to NZIMMR to work on projects with our team.
NZIMMR expects 2021/22 to be a year of delivery that sees opportunities realised from the projects it has worked on in partnership with iwi, industry, and collaborators. In particular the advanced carbon, advanced mineral recovery, rare earth element, and pounamu projects will be advanced. These projects have both research and commercial focus that ensures NZIMMR continues to build revenue opportunities to ensure its financial sustainability into the future. NZIMMR’s financial sustainability is focussed on winning competitive research funding, commercial work through its Waimatuku laboratories, consultancy work and commercial ventures.
NZIMMR is served well by an experienced board that is well balanced and focussed on achieving NZIMMR’s strategy and objectives to add value to the West Coast and New Zealand through its research. The board has a good mix of industry, iwi, research and commercial experience and connections.
NZIMMR is appreciative of the support that iwi, industry, and others have provided to it. In particular Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, Development West Coast, Birchfield Coal Ltd, Westland Minerals Sands Co. Ltd and so many others.