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Forced Labour Protocol
The Forced Labour Protocol 2014 is an international, legally-binding document that provides guidance on how to eliminate all forms of forced labour, punish offenders and protect victims, including ensuring they have access to remedies such as compensation.
On this page
This consultation is now closed.
The following information is a record of work done until 2023.
It is an update to an earlier convention, which New Zealand is party to.
Becoming party to it would send a clear message of the importance New Zealand places on tackling forced labour and other forms of modern slavery.
We believe New Zealand’s current legislation, policy and practice fits with the requirements of the Forced Labour Protocol.
Read more about the Forced Labour Protocol.(external link)
Seeking your views
We are currently seeking public views on any areas in New Zealand law, policy or practice that would need to be changed before ratification; any issues or costs – which are expected to be minimal – if we did ratify it; and whether or not the public supports New Zealand becoming party to the Protocol.
The closing date for submissions is 14 April 2019.
Next Steps
After the consultation, we will provide advice to the Government which will be considered at Parliament, along with text of the Forced Labour Protocol, 2014.
Should Parliament support New Zealand becoming a party to the Protocol, New Zealand would then deposit the necessary instruments to become a party to the Protocol with the International Labour Organisation.