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- Employment Action Plan
- Employment Strategy 2019
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Employment legislation reviews
- Employment Relations Act 2000 amendments
- Holidays Act reform
- Increasing the minimum sick leave entitlement
- Workplace relations in the screen industry
- Forced Labour Protocol
- Extending paid parental leave
- Equal Pay Amendment Act
- Law change for Easter Sunday shop trading
- Employment Standards Legislation Act
- Proposed Accident Compensation Appeal Tribunal
- Accident compensation dispute resolution review
- Reviewing regulated ACC payments for treatment
- Employment Relations Amendment Act
- Minimum wage reviews
- Sex work in New Zealand
- Changes to the process for setting pay for Members of Parliament
- Security officers – additional employment protections
- Matariki
- Updating Accident Compensation Review Costs Regulations
- Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
- Changes to ACC’s Accredited Employers Programme
- Review framework for list of occupational diseases
- Contractor work in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Support workers – request for additional employment protections
- Changes to ACC regulations for Chinese medicine, paramedics and audiometrists
- Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalments) Amendment Act
- Setting the average ACC levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28
- Our international labour relations
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- Future of Work Tripartite Forum
- NZ Industrial Relations Foundation
- Plan of action against forced labour, people trafficking and slavery
- Employment website
- Regional Skills Leadership Groups
- Discussion document: NZ Income Insurance Scheme summary
Health and safety at work strategy
The strategy sets out the Government’s vision on improving health and safety at work across New Zealand from 2018 to 2028.
On this page
The Strategy
- sets a clear direction for New Zealand, providing a shared vision for where we want to get to, and what we need to do to get there
- identifies the common capability gaps and opportunities, through a set of goals and priorities that help us focus our efforts
- supports better coordination, by providing visibility of the different roles we have and a framework to talk to each other about how we’re working towards better health and safety
- improves measurement, through the work to build a better picture of New Zealand’s overall health and safety.
We developed the Strategy along with WorkSafe New Zealand with a range of stakeholders. It is informed by research and public consultation on the draft Strategy.
Read the Strategy [PDF, 6.8 MB]
What does the Strategy mean for you?
We are creating a range of factsheets to help you understand the priorities of the Strategy, how it’s relevant to your business or organisation and where to go for additional guidance and help. The first of these factsheets are available below and more will be developed over time:
Work-related health [PDF, 64 KB]
Worker engagement, participation and representation [PDF, 66 KB]
What people had to say about the Strategy?
We received 127 submissions on the draft Strategy during public consultation. These showed strong overall support for its direction and vision. People agreed with the Strategy being system-led and future-focused, placing workers at the centre.
Read the Summary of Submissions [PDF, 1.1 MB]
What’s next?
The next step will be to turn the Strategy’s vision into action. Government, sectors, businesses and communities will take steps to align their health and safety-related work with the Strategy. Further material, reports and updates will be published here.