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Increasing the minimum sick leave entitlement
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Increasing the minimum sick leave entitlement
The Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Act 2021.
On this page
The legislation doubling employees’ minimum sick leave entitlement from 5 to 10 days came into effect on 24 July 2021. Read the Minister’s announcement at the link below.
More sick leave to support employees on the way(external link) — Beehive website
It’s important that workers can stay home if they are sick. Having a minimum of 10 days sick leave enables more people to stay at home, supports working parents, and stop bugs from spreading. Businesses also benefit from a healthy, well-rested and more productive workforce.
Other key aspects of minimum sick leave entitlements, including the ability to accumulate up to 20 days of unused sick leave, remain the same.
More information can be found on the Employment New Zealand website.
Sick leave(external link) — Employment New Zealand