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Discussion document: NZ Income Insurance Scheme summary
Our proposals at a glance
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- Discussion document: NZ Income Insurance Scheme summary
NZIIS Our proposals at a glance
A summary of the proposals in the New Zealand income insurance scheme.
On this page
- Broad coverage for different working arrangements
- Coverage for job losses due to redundancy, layoffs and health conditions and disabilities
- A four-week notice period and four-week payment, at 80% of salary, from employers
- A further six months of financial support from the scheme, at 80% of wages or a salary
- Option to extend support for up to 12 months for training and rehabilitation
- A case management service to support people’s return to work
- Administered by ACC
- Funded by levies on wages and salaries, with both workers and employers paying an estimated 1.39% each
- Workers eligible after six months of levy contributions in the previous 18 months