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- He whakawhānui i te pāpātanga o Vision Mātauranga – mahere haumi 2023
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Science Media Centre
The Government is investing $3.725 million (excluding GST) over 5 years for the Royal Society Te Apārangi to host the New Zealand Science Media Centre (NZSMC).
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The NZSMC provides media resources promoting evidence-based and up-to-date research that helps inform public debate on important issues and raise the public visibility of research.
The NZSMC is an independent, not-for-profit resource for the media and works proactively with journalists to help them cover science as well as identify the science angles in everyday news stories. They also work with the scientific community to help them interact more effectively with the media and ensure that their voices are heard on issues of national importance.
Since its launch in 2008, the NZSMC has established itself as an independent, trusted source of evidence-based information and expertise for media serving diverse communities across Aotearoa. Over 650 registered journalists receive the NZSMC's alerts on breaking news and advance warning on research publications likely to attract media attention.
Each year there are over 3,000 media stories that have direct input from the NZSMC's activities across a broad range of topics including emerging infectious diseases and pandemics, climate change, food safety, water quality, natural hazards, indigenous data sovereignty, conservation and ecological impacts, social inequality and mental health.
In December 2020 an independent evaluation of the NZSMC was completed.
Evaluation of the Science Media Centre final report — 28 December 2020 [PDF, 1024 KB]
In 2021 there was open call for proposals to host the NZSMC for another five years (1 July 2022 - 30 June 2027). The successful applicant was the incumbent host, the Royal Society Te Apārangi.