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Rutherford Medal
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Rutherford Medal
The Rutherford Medal recognises preeminent research, scholarship or innovation.
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The Rutherford Medal recognises preeminent research, scholarship or innovation by a person, or team, in any field of engineering, humanities, mathematics, sciences, social science, or technology. The associated prize of $100,000 is funded by MBIE and administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi.
When awarding a Rutherford Medal, the Royal Society Te Apārangi will consider people, or teams, of distinction who are held in high public esteem in New Zealand. They will have demonstrated more than purely intellectual achievement within their discipline. Their contributions will have been recognised internationally as significantly advancing understanding of the field. Medallists will also have made a substantial contribution in New Zealand to the advancement and promotion of public awareness, knowledge and understanding of their field, and undertaken public service within their research, scholarly or innovation community and/or the wider community.
Rutherford Medal(external link) — Royal Society Te Apārangi