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Curious Minds
Science Teaching Leadership Programme
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Science Teaching Leadership Programme
The Science Teaching Leadership Programme provides opportunities for science teachers to develop their science and leadership skills.
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The Science Teaching Leadership Programme (STLP) provides opportunities for primary schools, secondary science departments and their nominated teachers to enhance the teaching of science within school communities.
Through this annual programme, 40 teachers from Years 1 to 10 are chosen to spend six months working alongside scientists in various settings to gain hands-on experience of how science works and take part in leadership development programmes. The programme is designed to:
- allow the teachers to see science operating in the real world, to increase their knowledge and confidence in teaching scientific concepts
- enhance their leadership skills, so that they can lead change in the way science is taught in their school after their return from the research organisation
- improve connections between practising scientists and the community
- harness existing resources by fostering links with other science engagement programmes such as the Science Learning Hub and the CREST Awards.
When returning to the classroom, participants are supported to work with the whole school or science department for a further 12 to 18 months to improve science teaching and student learning.
Funded by MBIE, the Science Teaching Leadership programme is managed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi.