Seeking feedback

Consultation feedback process and details of how the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) management your information.

Consultation process

Use the discussion document to see what fire safety issues there are and send your feedback on them.

Think about the objectives for fire safety provisions in the Building Code and the key issues that MBIE has identified that are barriers to achieving those objectives.

The discussion document includes questions for feedback. When you send your feedback, it helps if you can include evidence to support your views, for example references to independent research, facts and figures, or other relevant examples. 

How to give MBIE your feedback

Your submission can be completed using the online submission form, or by filling in a Word version of the submission form and posting it to our address.

Word version of the submission form [DOCX, 774 KB]

You can also submit a response in the form of a short letter or document. 

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street
PO Box 1473
Wellington 6140
Attention: Building System Performance

Where possible, we appreciate receiving submissions electronically. If emailing an attachment, we prefer a Word or text-searchable PDF format.

Next steps

Your feedback on this document will be collated and analysed along with all the other responses.

Following consideration of the submissions, MBIE will develop potential options for improvements to fire safety provisions in the Building Code.

MBIE will seek feedback on these potential options for change through a further round of public consultation. Timelines for the review will depend on the information received in this year’s consultation and any new or emerging issues along the way.

Release of information

Release of information on MBIE website

MBIE may publish copies or excerpts of submissions. MBIE will consider you to have consented to this when you submitted your feedback unless you clearly stated otherwise in your submission.

If your submission contains any information that is confidential which you do not want published, please:

  • state this at the start of your submission, with any confidential information clearly marked within your feedback text
  • provide a separate version, with your confidential information removed, for publication on the MBIE website.

Release of information under the Official Information Act

Once submitted, your feedback becomes official information, and can be requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

An OIA request asks for information to be made available unless there are sufficient grounds for withholding it. If some or all of your submission falls within the scope of any request for information received by MBIE, they cannot guarantee that your feedback will not be made public.

Any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA is reviewable by the Ombudsman.

Get help from the ombudsman(external link) – Ombudsman New Zealand

If you do not want your submission feedback released as part of an OIA request, please say so in your submission feedback together with the reasons why.

MBIE will take your objections into account when responding to their OIA request.

Personal information

The Privacy Act 2020 contains principles on how various agencies, including MBIE, collect, use and disclose information provided by individuals.

Any personal information you supply to MBIE in the course of providing your submission feedback is only:

  • used for the purpose of assisting in the development of advice in relation to this consultation, or
  • for contacting you about your submission. 

MBIE may also use your personal information for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 2020 (for example, with your consent, for a directly related purpose, or where the law permits or requires it).  

Please state clearly in your submission feedback if you do not want your name, or other personal information, included in any summary of submissions that MBIE may publish.

MBIE will only keep your personal information for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used.

Where any information provided (which may include personal information) constitutes public records, it will be kept to the extent required by the Public Records Act 2005.

MBIE may also be required to disclose information under the Official Information Act 1982, to a Parliamentary Select Committee or Parliament in response to a Parliamentary Question.

You have rights of access to, and correction of, your personal information. Go to MBIE's privacy web page for more information.

Privacy — MBIE