Summary of discussion document questions

Summary of all the questions asked in the Building Code fire safety review discussion document.

Section 1: Introduction questions

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the outcomes we have identified for the review of fire safety provisions in the Building Code?
  2. How well do you think the fire regulatory system is currently performing against these outcomes? Please provide evidence if you can.
  3. Are there other outcomes MBIE should consider for the review?
  4. Would you like to provide feedback on your answers?

Section 2: Effectiveness of fire safety measures in the Building Code questions

  1. Do you agree with MBIE’s assessment of the issues on the effectiveness of fire safety measures in the Building Code?
  2. Are there any other issues MBIE should consider on the effectiveness of fire safety measures in the Building Code?
  3. Would you like to provide any other comments or feedback on the effectiveness of fire safety measures in the Building Code?

Section 3: Keeping pace with new technologies and new fire challenges questions

  1. Do you agree with MBIE’s assessment of the issues on keeping pace with new technologies and new fire challenges?
  2. Are there any other issues MBIE should consider on keeping pace with new technologies and new fire challenges?
  3. Do you have any other comments or feedback on the ability of the Building Code to keep pace with new technologies and new fire challenges?

Section 4: Certainty, clarity and consistency questions

  1. Do you agree with MBIE’s assessment of the issues on certainty, clarity and consistency?
  2. Are there any other issues MBIE should consider on certainty, clarity and consistency?
  3. Do you have any other comments or feedback on the certainty, clarity and consistency of fire safety provisions in the Building Code?

General questions

  1. What do you think are the most important issues MBIE should consider in the review?
  2. If you have any other comments on this review, please tell us.
  3. If you have anything else you would like to tell MBIE about fire safety in the Building Code, please leave your feedback below.