Appendix one: Full list of consultation questions

Question about the proposed criteria

1. Do you agree these are the right outcomes/criteria to evaluate the options? Are there any others that should be considered?

Question about the opportunity/benefits of remote inspections

2. Do you agree with our description of the opportunity (such as, benefits) of increasing the uptake of remote inspections? Are there any other benefits? Please explain.

Questions for builders/sector

3. What savings and costs have you experienced with remote inspections? Do they differ depending on whether a remote inspection is real time or evidence-based?

4. Do you have any concerns about taking part in remote inspections (whether real time or evidence-based)?

Questions about barriers and risks

5. Do you agree these are the main risks associated with increasing the use of remote inspections? Are there any other risks that should be considered? If yes, please explain.

6. Are current occupational regulation and consumer protection measures fit for purpose to manage risks associated with higher uptake of remote inspections? If not, what changes would be required?

Questions about options to increase the uptake of remote inspections

All options:

7. Which option(s) do you prefer? Please explain why by commenting on the benefits, costs, and risks compared to other options.  

8. Are there any other options we should consider?

Option one:

9. What can be done to help reduce inspection failure rates?

Option three:

10. What inspections could generally be conducted remotely with confidence?

11. Are there any inspections that should never be carried out remotely (for example, based on the type of inspection or building category)? Please explain why.

12. Do you agree with the proposed exclusions under option three? Is there anything else that should be added to this list?

Option four:

The offence relates specifically to ‘deliberate actions to hide, disguise, or otherwise misrepresent non-compliant building work’.

13. If a new offence were to be created, does the above description sufficiently capture the offending behaviour? If not, is there anything else that should be considered?

14. Would the maximum penalty of $50,000 for individuals and $150,000 for a body corporate or business be a fair and sufficient deterrent?

15. Are there any other ways to discourage deceptive behaviour besides creating an offence?

Questions for building consent authorities on uptake of remote inspections 

16. What percentage of inspections do you carry out remotely?

17. What are the main things preventing you from using remote inspections, or using them more often? Please explain.

18. Briefly outline your policy regarding when, how and with whom you use remote inspections. In what circumstances do (or would) you use real time remote inspections versus evidence-based? Do you prefer one method (real time or evidence-based) over the other? Please explain why with reference to benefits, costs and risks.

19. We want to know about building consent authority costs and savings (actual or anticipated) in establishing remote inspection technology and processes.

What are your actual or projected costs from undertaking remote inspections?

  • Training
  • IT expenses
  • Additional staff
  • Other

What are your actual or projected savings from undertaking remote inspections?

  • Travel and vehicle
  • Ability to do more inspections per day
  • Reduced staffing costs
  • Other 

Please also provide any data and/or estimates on travel and emissions reductions achieved through the use or potential use of remote inspections. Please include any assumptions or qualifiers. Relevant attachments can be emailed along with your submission to

20. Considering the actual or anticipated costs of establishing remote inspection capabilities, how long has it taken (or expected to take) to see a return on investment? Do you anticipate that you will be able to reduce inspection charges for remote inspections?

21. What factors would you consider in pursuing a prosecution for the deceptive behaviour described in option four?

Questions for all submitters about increasing the use of Accredited Organisations (Building)

22. What are the benefits, costs, and risks of building consent authorities contracting more Accredited Organisations (Building) to undertake inspections?

23. What are the main barriers to building consent authorities contracting Accredited Organisations (Building) to undertake inspections? How could these be addressed?

24. Do you think that owners should be able to directly engage Accredited Organisations (Building) to undertake inspections? Please explain, commenting on the benefits, costs, and risks.

25. Do you agree with the potential mitigations? Are there any other issues or mitigations we should consider?

General comments

26. Do you have any other general comments you wish to make?