Use of information

The information provided in submissions will be used to inform MBIE’s policy development process and will inform advice to Ministers. We may contact submitters directly if we require clarification of any matters in submissions.

Release of information on MBIE website

MBIE may publish a list of submitters on their website and will consider you have consented to this, unless you clearly specify otherwise in your submission.

Release of information under the Official Information Act 

The Official Information Act 1982 specifies that information is to be made available upon request unless there are sufficient grounds for withholding it. If we receive a request, we cannot guarantee that feedback you provide us will not be made public. Any decision to withhold information requested under the OIA is reviewable by the Ombudsman.

Please clearly mark which parts you consider should be withheld from official information act requests, and your reasons (for example, privacy or commercial sensitivity).

MBIE will take your reasons into account when responding to requests under the Official Information Act 1982.

Personal information

The Privacy Act 2020 establishes certain principles with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of information about individuals by various agencies, including MBIE. Any personal information you supply to MBIE in the course of making a submission will only be used for the purpose of assisting in the development of policy advice in relation to this review. Please clearly indicate if you do not wish your name, or any other personal information, to be included in any summary of submissions that MBIE may publish.